The bon de visite also serves to protect the
estate agency from other
agencies in the event that the same
client is shown the same property
by two different companies.
The bon de visite which literally
translates as a 'visiting bond' protects the
legal interests of the estate
agency. By signing it you agree that
you have visited the property with
the estate agency and that you will
not contact the vendor directly to
negotiate the sale yourself. The bon
de visite can be used by the estate
agency to claim for compensation if
this happens. Therefore, when you
sign the bon de visite you agree to
not buy directly from the vendor
and will instead allow the estate
agency to negotiate on your behalf.
Easy to set up, the SCI or Société Civile
Immobilière is a legal solution to manage
and sell your properties whilst
avoiding heavy taxation. It's the Swiss
army knife of estate management. It
enables several people to be owners
of a property, with different or equal
stakes, and to manage it together for
non-commercial purposes. Nearly all
types of properties can be bought by a
SCI including a family home, a holiday
home, a rental property and business
premises. Furnished rental properties
which are classified under the category
of industrial and commercial benefits
(BIC) are not allowed.
What is the purpose
of a SCI?
It's now official! It is now possible
to cancel your mortgage insurance
every year, on the anniversary of
the signature of the contract. The
insurance covers events such as
death or disability and sometimes
even loss of a job. Initially, it was
only new buyers who were able to
cancel their contract, however, from
Is it possible to
cancel a mortgage
insurance contract?
2018, it will be an option for anybody who
has a mortgage. Previously,
the Hamon law, implemented
on the 26th of July 2014, enabled
borrowers to change their insurance
without having to pay any penalty
fees, however, this change could
only take place one year after the
signature of the mortgage.
A study published by the FNAIM, shows
that 40% of holiday home owners rent
at least one of their properties. Their
motivation? In most cases, they do so
to pay for the maintenance costs, the
mortgage or to enjoy holidays elsewhere.
18% of landlords rent their
property for less than 10 weeks a year
and 62% make less than € 5,000 from
the rent. Second home owners who refuse to
rent stated they wanted to be
the sole user of the property (57%),
worried it would get damaged (42%)
or that they lived far away and did not
trust rental agencies (26%).
Is it better to rent out
your holiday home?
What is a Bon de