Handling complaints
UniCredit’s approach to complaints management is driven by the belief that a continuing dialogue and swift
responses are fundamental to addressing and improving our service quality and customer satisfaction. Clients
can submit their complaints through a number of channels, including email, written letter or in person at one
of our branches. Complaints are then managed locally or centrally, depending on the subject or type.
As per our Global Compliance Guidelines - Complaint Management, which were implemented Groupwide in
2011, a complaint may be regarded as any form of dissatisfaction expressed by a former, current or potential
customer, regarding the manner in which UniCredit has managed a banking, finance or insurance transaction
or service. Each UniCredit legal entity develops and regulates its own complaint management processes and
defines the methods and timing applied to settling complaints in accordance with their type and the manner
of communication chosen by the customer.
Family & SME / Retail division: number of recorded complaintsA
2012 2011 2010
Country Recorded Recorded Recorded
(written + Written (written + Written (written + Written
verbal) verbal) verbal)
Italy 359,039 21,259 397,334 18,826 324,277 18,358
Germany 229,088 9,034 222,739 8,223 71,232 7,443
Austria B
not available not available 48,539 3,504 52,447 3,892
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,883 578
BulgariaC 2,071 2,071 2,102 2,102 1,731 1,731
Croatia 35,309 4,925 41,133 5,713 44,012 2,729
Czech Republic 5,672 3,335 4,569 2,805 1,035 934
Hungary 7,864 3,759 6,968 3,233 5,583 3,627
Kazakhstan 2,427 2,045
Romania 1,721 1,615 894 841 1,610 1,510
Russia 25,005 21,683 20,962 17,902 10,295 9,143
Serbia 417 308
Slovakia 2,315 2,300
Slovenia 827 475
Ukraine 10,100 3,700
A. Totals are not provided because definitions and recording methods have not been completely aligned across all countries. The number of
complaints referring to Bank Pekao SA are not published due to confidentiality issues.
B. In 2012, data are not available due to IT changes.
C. In Bulgaria there is no distinction between the written and verbal complaints. All the complaints are considered as written.
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 49