Informing Investors
Further increase the number of events designed to improve our Partially achieved: the IR team provided more Achieve increased engagement with
dialogue with investors, analysts and rating agencies, while specialized communications, leveraging on investors via face-to-face and remote
continuing to keep the markets up to date on news related to subunits that were created to service specific meetings to consolidate and expand the
UniCredit counterparties and increased the meetings held geographical reach of UniCredit’s financial
with buy-side/bond investors although slightly communication strategy
fewer meetings were held with sell-side analysts
and rating agencies compared to 2011 Expand the geographical reach of
UniCredit’s financial communication
Focus on external online communications and develop a new and Achieved: the investors web section now includes a strategy for fixed income investors
simpler web layout for the investors section tool for investors and analysts to initiate dialogues
directly with their relevant IR counterparts. The Target investors who include ESG indicators
fixed income subsection was also improved in their investment strategy
Fostering Communities
Further support the economic and social development of our Achieved: we positively continued our financial To renew our support for social and financial
communities by: education programs in Italy, Germany, Austria inclusion, and cooperate with public and
• helping individuals to better grasp financial concepts in order and Romania, reaching over 31,400 participants, private institutions and organizations at
to improve their money management and make more informed providing over 83,000 training hours both through the local and international levels. We will
decisions by consolidating and expanding our financial face-to-face and reaching about 107,000 visitors work by:
education programs through online modules • promoting financial literacy through
enhanced financial education programs,
• enhancing our financial services to non-profits, piloting our Achieved: we piloted the Universo Non Profit model leveraging on web channels and social
Universo Non Profit model outside of Italy and partnering with in Romania and are conducting feasibility studies in media platforms
non-profit organizations through the UniCredit Foundation to Germany, Austria, Poland and CEE (i.e Russia, Serbia • partnering with the non-profit sector on
increase our employees’ involvement in charitable work. and Turkey); through select social welfare initiatives, issues including unemployment, ageing
with the engagement of UniCredit Foundation, we populations and health; and increase our
attracted roughly 33,720 employees supporting over employee engagement, mainly through
470 projects from non profits the UniCredit Foundation’s Gift Matching
Program and its related local projects
• empowering future generations to build healthy and innovative Achieved: we launched 17 competitions by UniCredit • supporting the development of young
communities, supporting talented students and researchers & Universities Foundation and awarded 46 grants to talent via special prizes, academic grants
through the UniCredit & Universities Foundation’s UniCredit students and researchers (22 prizes from UniCredit and other programs, and by beginning to
Study-Abroad Exchange Programme, and expanding Study-Abroad Exchange Programme) and nominated provide internship opportunities within the
Il Talento delle Idee program to provide young entrepreneurs 21 startup winners from the Il Talento delle Idee UniCredit network through the UniCredit &
with a platform to launch new business ideas 2011/2012 edition Universities Foundation
Preserving Natural Resources
Maintain our Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Achieved: secured EMAS registration for roughly Assess the possibility of setting a more
registration and extend it to encompass its newly 4,400 sites where roughly 45,000 colleagues work ambitious GHG abatement target for 2020
expanded scope
Promote a wider use of certified
Update our product specification sheets to include social and Achieved: developed new product specification environmental management system across
environmental standards in our procurement processes sheets, which are now used in our product catalogue the Group
in Italy
Increase commitment in understanding
Finish testing and assessing our Group’s model for carbon risk Partially achieved: conducted testing, but feedback environmental impacts of our business
management suggests that further amendments must be made to
the model in 2013
Reduce our carbon emissions by 15 percent by year-end Achieved: decreased emissions by 24% from 2008
baseline as of the end of 2012
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 19