Serving Individuals and Families
In Bulgaria, we decreased our paper-based consumer loan Enriching our professional service
documentation by 40 percent. By doing so, we decreased front-
office processing time by 10 percent, allowing us to dedicate more Our customers come first. Their success is our strength, which is
time to our clients. We also reduced our mortgage and overdraft why we work to provide them with straightforward advice that
documentation, began issuing e-invoices and are using e-mail to is effective and easy to understand. Our training sessions and
circulate news throughout our network. Furthermore, we launched mentorship programs to increase professional competencies draw on
Modula, which organizes our products and services into easy-to- the extensive know-how of our senior relationship managers, to spread
understand modules that automatically generate applications and their professional experience and expertise to other team members.
In Italy, through our Train-The-Trainer sessions, 75 of our relationship
For us, simplification also means reducing the number of our managers taught 5,395 of their peers about our new advisory model
products and streamlining their delivery. We are focusing on and how to use it to deliver tangible solutions. In Poland,
improving our processes and redesigning our business procedures our training programs Success Academy, that involved 954
and systems to automate our operations further. colleagues, and I’m a Customer which covered all 680 front office
colleagues, bolstered the skills of our front-office employees. In
In Romania, for example, we streamlined our credit card Bulgaria, 17 personal bankers passed our mentorship examination
application processing for credit lines below €5,000 - both by and are qualified to be mentors to our newly hired personal bankers.
simplifying our credit assessments and application forms and by And in Croatia, the Effective Questions-FOCA Model (facts, opinon,
reducing the credit documentation sent to underwriters. change and actions) strengthened our relationship managers’
listening skills with more than 300 participants in 2012. This model
In Slovakia, we introduced a flat rate for all multi-purpose loans stresses the importance of interviewing techniques to gain a deeper
to ensure that our rates and conditions were easy to understand. understanding of the lives, feelings and priorities of our customers.
In 2012, we conducted four marketing campaigns for our new flat
rate and received a better-than-anticipated response. We received Similar training programs that leverage the knowledge of senior
more than 4,000 applications following our spring campaign, staff were conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia , Serbia,
73 percent more than expected. Slovakia, and Ukraine. These sessions focused on building lasting
relationships, identifying hidden needs, enhancing professionalism,
To reduce wait times in our branches, we automated a improving customer databases and learning new ways to increase
number of services. In 2012, we piloted a series of initiatives customer satisfaction.
to automate our Italian branches, including introducing a
new tablet signature pad to execute paperless contracts and We used this approach in Hungary, where we completed a training
other operations. Using signature pads also helps us store program to prepare for meetings with affluent customers. In 2012,
our transaction records efficiently in a way that protects the 122 branch managers and 159 relationship managers, participated
environment. A major rollout of the signature pads, among in this course.
other innovations, will take place in 2013. In December 2012,
the signature pad was being used in all of our 615 branches in
Germany, processing an average of more than 14,000 customer In Italy, 5,395 relationship
signatures every day. managers received training
Though the process redesign of our IT solutions can cause from 75 senior colleagues
temporary inefficiencies, we always strive to provide solutions
in a timely manner. In Austria several changes in our IT system
Example of ongoing training programs for our relationship
caused unexpected difficulties and delays. As a result, UniCredit
offered shopping vouchers to more than 680,000 online
banking customers for a value of approximately €20,5 million Number of Training
as a compensation for the inconvenience. Country Training activity
trainees hours
Bosnia and Full potential 38 304
Service quality Czech Republic Investing in structured 55 440
bonds and life insurance
At UniCredit, we are acting on the feedback from our customers
Russia Investment funds 244 2,900
to improve our service quality and ultimately deliver best-in-
class service. Customers are particularly impressed when our Serbia Importance and practical 273 4,368
relationship managers provide them with informed advice and use of Customer
develop concrete solutions to meet their needs. This is why Relationship Management
we invest in the professional development of our relationship Ukraine Basic skills 193 1,816
managers, and ensure that their skills and market knowledge
exceed customer expectations.
In addition to our ongoing programs to improve professional
competencies, we also conduct programs to raise organizational
38 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit