Our Approach
Valuing Our Colleagues
Strengthen UniCredit’s integrated approach to risk Achieved: 6,450 employees (up 18 percent y/y) received To further define our performance
management through relevant training and training in such areas as risk related to credit, markets, management and professional
communications liquidity, operations and reputation as well as the development processes (e.g., Executive
regulatory framework Development Plan, Talent Management
Review, UniCredit Performance
Continue to invest in our culture of sustainability by raising Achieved: the new section, Customers’ and People’s Voice, Management and Executive Incentive
awareness of stakeholder services and by linking our planning was created on the intranet to share results, opinions and System), while accounting for UniCredit’s
activities more closely to our listening programs other topics related to our listening activities. Our two business needs and feedback from
training programs, the Induction and Management Learning participants
Labs, now provide an overview of customers’ evolving
needs and how to improve our reputation and customer To enhance our competitiveness by
satisfaction maintaining a balance between costs
and business performance, fostering
Maintain a high level of employee engagement and Achieved: we improved our colleagues’ understanding of employee engagement, and emphasizing
commitment, and improve our organizational efficiency. UniCredit’s major strategic decisions, by means of focused professional development and talent
Communicate clearly and regularly to colleagues regarding our communications on the pillars of our strategic plan retention
progress in achieving the goals outlined in our strategic plan, and
highlight issues and actions related to our business and targets To increase individual accountability
Groupwide regarding risk, compliance
and controls, all of which impact our
Improve our leadership pipeline by: Achieved: we adopted criteria for our performance appraisals
reputation and results
• refining our leadership development processes and to align with business results and created leadership
promoting gender diversity in executive positions; development programs based on the performance, potential
• investing in training programs that reflect our Global Job and career objectives of our employees.
Model catalogue, and improving their quality by using We promoted gender diversity at the executive-level and
innovative and efficient learning methods carried out relevant initiatives through our Gender Balance
Program. We tailored our learning programs to specific
job profiles
Serving Individuals and Families
Ensure closer proximity to our customers by enhancing our Achieved: as we carry out our multichannel strategy To maintain our customer-driven sales
“easy to deal with” approach and investing in: everywhere we operate, we are providing our products culture, by understanding the customer
• simplification, transparency and front-end empowerment and services to customers using their preferred means of perspective and creating better tailored
• channel optimization communication. Roughly five million UniCredit customers and even simpler proposals
• new products to be marketed through multiple channels actively do their banking online and some 250,000
customers in Italy have downloaded our UniCredit mobile To strengthen our multichannel value
banking app. Moreover, to ensure that our Group becomes proposition by providing integrated and
increasingly easier to do business with, we further invested sophisticated products and services
in simplifying our services. In Germany, for example, we
introduced our HVB Online current account in 2012. In its To improve our capacity to communicate
first few months, it attracted roughly 10,000 new clients and invest in relationships introducing
with its efficient account-opening process initiatives to continue simplifying our
service model
Strengthen relationships with our customers by building Achieved: we evaluated our customer service model to
and maintaining their trust, and by investing in customer assure a customized customer approach and trained our
service and product quality front-line employees; 5,395 relationship managers in Italy
received training. We continued to communicate with
customers by assessing their experiences and by involving
them in the development of new products and services
Supporting Companies
Deliver concrete solutions to support companies’ Achieved: in Italy, achieved significant results in To continue to support companies to
internationalization by: internationalizing customer businesses, and began involving internationalize their businesses, focusing
• simplifying and improving our financial products other countries per our strategy. Our Cross Border Account on market and partner identification
• reinforcing the skills and support structures of our Opening project was nearly implemented Groupwide, with services, as well as tools to provide full
relationship managers 90% coverage, to significantly simplify the bureaucracy of process assistance
• developing essential IT infrastructure opening new accounts.
Further developed our IT platform and new digital To implement strategic initiatives to
devices across our Group, including online and mobile improve customer service, by leveraging:
banking, to allow 360-degree customer interaction. Clients • cross-border team coordination
can choose their preferred channel to do their banking, • unique senior-level interface
reducing service time. • a holistic approach to improve dialogue
Conducted training programs for our colleagues to assure
high service standards. Introduced new trainings to provide To focus on cultivating SME customer
sector-specific insight and assure understanding of the relationships, by developing ways to
customer environment simplify processes and procedures, and
multichannel investing
18 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit