Empowering fundraising
As most non-profits are reliant on donors’ various type of supports, Un voto, 100.000 aiuti concreti
fundraising represents an essential part of their operations.
UniCredit has developed a range of marketing initiatives that use Between 2011 and 2012, UniCredit conducted its charitable
customized banking products and services, through Universo voting campaign, Il nostro dono, il tuo dono (Our gift, your
Non Profit service model9, to support charitable fundraising. gift), which evolved into the 2012-2013 Un voto, 100,000
aiuti concreti (One vote, 100,000 ways to help) campaign.
For example, Conto Donazioni enables non-profits that bank with us This new project invites anyone, including non-customers,
to collect donations through UniCredit branches from customers and to browse ilMioDono.it, learn more about the non-profit
non-customers alike, without any administrative costs. As of December programs and vote their preferred ones, to determine how
2012, 722 Conto Donazioni accounts raised roughly €3.1 million.
UniCredit will distribute its contributions. In its first edition,
UniCredit donated a total of €88,000 to 156 organizations.
We also encourage non-profits to use our ilMioDono.it web platform
to promote their activities and collect donations without paying any In the second edition, 2012-2013, we will give €100,000 -
banking fees. In 2012, the number of non-profits using IlMioDono.it distributed in proportion to the votes received - to the 185
nearly doubled to 387, up from 234 in 2011. Roughly €83,000 in organizations that earned at least 30 votes. By March 2013,
donations were generated from the website’s users, of which more over 28,450 participants took part in the online voting
than 50 percent went towards healthcare and social inclusion campaign.
causes. In 2012, ilMioDono.it attracted an average of more than
29,000 page visits per month, peaking at the end of the year with Votes are made by way of Gift Cards (Carta per il MioDono)
the launch of the Un voto, 100.000 aiuti concreti online campaign. and in addition to voting on UniCredit’s contributions,
In keeping with our multichannel approach, we are developing new participants are invited to make a personal donation to
ways to access ilMioDono.it, including smartphone applications.
their preferred non-profit organization.
At the local level, our bank provided direct support to charitable
initiatives via Universo Non Profit banking services, such as
IlMioDono.it, and communication campaigns at our branches and were evaluated by the UniCredit Foundation with support from
on our ATMs in Italy. In 2012, we generated more than €220,000 Bocconi University. In October 2012, seven projects were awarded
for initiatives focusing on health, social welfare and culture. The a total of €500,000 raised by UniCreditCard Classic E cardholders’
tangible results of these initiatives included: contributions. Of these projects - which were also voted on by
• providing assistance and facilities for abandoned children in the UniCredit employees as part of our Your Choice, Your Project initiative
Milan area and cancer patients in Padua, including vehicles for - the one receiving the most votes earned a bonus contribution. As
homecare services a result of implementing these seven projects, opportunities will be
• building new rooms in a hospice for terminally ill patients in provided to 73 young people.
• renovating and equipping a hospital in Mali, serving 20,000
people, with diagnostic tools and a solar power plant. Additionally,
improvements were made to training sessions for hospital personnel
• restoring two important artworks by Giotto and Cimabue in the
Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi
As a bank, we want to be effective when contributing to
communities, and we work to address urgent social issues
and provide concrete support. As demographic changes
pose societal challenges, we believe that addressing youth
unemployment and ageing is a way to foster social inclusion
and help future communities gain their competitive edge.
In Italy, we called for proposal for our 2012 UniCreditCard Classic
E Strategies for Social Cohesion for Young People initiative, to
promote employment-based social enterprise projects for at-risk UniCredit Bank Austria AG employees baking at Vienna’s Die Gruft homeless shelter. Photo
15- to 29-year-olds. We received more than 260 applications, which by: Roman Jost.
9. Refer to the Serving Individuals and Families chapter for more information on Universo
Non Profit.
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 65