Preserving Natural Resources
The financial institutions that are signatories to the NCD have among our suppliers and service providers on the issue of
made a commitment to: sustainability, as defined in UniCredit’s Integrity Charter and
1. understand the relationship between natural capital and their environmental policy.
2. integrate natural capital considerations into their decision- According to our selection criteria, suppliers must comply
making regarding financial products and services with a set of minimum requirements that are based on our
3. build a consensus to integrate natural capital into their environmental policy. Prospective suppliers are asked to
reporting demonstrate their full commitment to environmental protection
4. work towards integrating natural capital into private-sector and their capacity to manage social and environmental risks.
accounting and decision-making In order for us to evaluate these basic performance standards,
suppliers and service providers are required to complete a
questionnaire and include relevant documentation, where
Sustainable procurement applicable, as well as to grant UniCredit access to conduct on-site
assessments of the accuracy of their statements.
Selecting our suppliers Moreover, authorized suppliers and service providers must
We revised our vendor management process in Italy as planned, comply in all respects with our environmental policy and employ
and we intend to implement these revisions in our operations a designated environmental specialist. They must also be in
in Germany, Austria and Poland. One of our primary objectives compliance with local laws as well as with the International
in changing our procurement process is to raise awareness Labour Organization’s standards on child labor, safety and
UniCredit Tower, Piazza Gae Aulenti, Milan. Photo by: Marco Puoti.
76 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit