In Croatia, Zagrebačka banka DD remains the main partner of the 2011 to June 2012, the rooms of a former UniCredit branch were
Zagreb Philharmonic, which is committed to attracting a broad, converted into an art showroom, where 23 artists took turns
diverse audience, young people in particular. To accomplish this, displaying their work, based on evaluations from a jury panel. The
the orchestra expanded its repertoire to include several interesting space was open to the public on weekdays, from noon until bank
crossover and multimedia musical programs. closing hours. A vernissage, finissage and special events were
organized for each showcased artist.
UniCredit partners with international art exhibitions as well, to
provide the broader public with unique cultural experiences. These More broadly, for the Jugend kulturell-Program our bank
display masterpieces from museums and private collections from organizes events to showcase talented young visual and
around the world. performing artists at branch locations across Germany. In
addition, we hold our annual countrywide competition, the
The Raffaello verso Picasso exhibition, featuring portraits and Jugend kulturell Förderpreis, to discover and support rising talent.
figural paintings, was held at the newly restored Basilica Palladiana Artists use this platform to develop their skills and to perform
in Vicenza from October 2012 to January 2013, attracting more for customers and representatives from the media, institutions,
than 270,000 visitors. UniCredit offered nearly 2,000 of its culture and business. Over the past 30 years, this initiative has
employees and young customers with either free or discounted resulted in more than 2,200 events featuring more than 9,200
entrance. The exhibition gave visitors the opportunity to admire artists and drawing 340,000 visitors.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Dance at Bougival, which was on special
loan from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Following Vicenza, In Austria, we work with Ö1, the country’s leading radio station,
the exhibition will be on display in Verona in 2013. to promote our Ö1 Talent Market initiative. Talented fine art
students from eight Austrian universities are selected by their
professors to participate in this program, and are provided with
their own webpages as well as on-air and print media coverage
to showcase their talent. Moreover, UniCredit Bank Austria
AG offers a €10,000 fine arts scholarship each year to one
of the participants and organizes two or three exhibitions
for the young artist to display his or her work at the bank’s
headquarters in Vienna. In 2012, each exhibition opening
drew roughly 100 guests and incorporated performances by
Photo: Tabocchini Gironella - Courtesy Fondazione Arena di Verona. F CUS
Moreover in Italy, we renewed our partnership with the Education
Department of the Castello di Rivoli in 2012 to support the A tu Un Mondo Nuovo
per tu project, promoting social integration through contemporary
art. In Bologna and Treviso, where our bank operates some of the
Agenzia Tu branches, around 1,000 children and their families From December 2012 to January 2013, UniCredit
enjoyed outdoor festivities that focused on painting activities, organized the exhibition Un Mondo Nuovo (A New World),
bringing people together from diverse backgrounds. displaying 14 works from the UniCredit Art Collection in
the windows of the new UniCredit Tower headquarters
Our commitment to sharing the value of art with our communities in Milan. This special exhibition was a gift to the city, to
is also reflected by our ongoing international exhibitions of celebrate the opening of this new neighborhood, described
works from the UniCredit Art Collection. Following a show at the as Milan’s “district of the future”. Roughly 1,400 people
WINZAVOD Centre for Contemporary Art in Moscow in 2011, we gathered in the tower’s Piazza Gae Aulenti for the square
displayed more than 70 works from our collection in the People
opening, and an additional 5,000 people toured the
and the City exhibition at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń,
display during the first weekend.
Poland. More than 10,500 people visited this exhibition in the
course of just under two months.
At UniCredit, we are also committed to identifying and supporting
emerging young artists, by providing exhibition opportunities in
all the countries where our bank works.
In Germany, we provide artists with funding to create artwork to be More information is available on the dedicated
displayed in the UniCredit Art Room in Munich. In 2012, UniCredit section in our website
Bank AG provided support to seven such artists. From January
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 69