We launched our Universo Non Profit (UNP) service model in Italy
in 2009 to meet the needs of these organizations. In 2012, we
continued to develop new, specialized financial products and
services for them, such as: The Craftsman&Partner program in Croatia:
• a special credit rating process how we craft tailored solutions
• medium- or long-term loans for non-profits with highly seasonal
revenue streams. New loans of €84.5 million in this category
were made in 2012 Real Need
In recent years, Croatia has seen many of its craftsmen close
These offerings are available at UniCredit branches across Italy, their businesses due to the difficult economic environment and
including a dedicated branch in Rome. We serve roughly 32,000 a contracting market. This was primarily due to non-payments
non-profit clients through Universo Non Profit, of which nearly for goods and services, difficulties posed by the underground
5,200 were new in 2012. In line with our priorities, in 2012 we economy, and regulators’ fiscal treatment of craftsmen. As many
piloted Universo Non Profit outside Italy, specifically in Romania, as 90,000 Croatian craftsmen, their employees and families
and are conducting feasibility studies in Germany, Austria, Poland
require more efficient and profitable business practices, in order
and CEE (i.e., Russia, Serbia and Turkey).
to find a simpler, better way to meet their everyday needs.
In Germany, our Credit Protection Insurance for Business Customers
(CPI) is designed for freelancers, providing protection on short- and Concrete solution & benefits
medium-term loans in the event of accident, illness or death. We The Craftsman&Partner program, launched by Zagrebačka Banka
are piloting this product in select branches. together with the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, aims to
provide a comprehensive overview of these craftsmen and their
In Austria, UniCredit was the only bank to form a partnership with the business environment. The program is also designed to offer
European Investment Fund (EIF) to support innovative and technology- them customized services with favorable terms and to arrange
driven enterprises. The initiative recently began to provide financing at valuable partnerships that serve their needs at discounted rates
favorable rates, with the intent to issue €120 million in financing over (e.g., T-HT, Croatia Insurance, VELPRO and Peugeot Croatia).
the next two years. In Slovakia, the same loan program backed by EIF
will issue €70 million in financing by the end of 2014.
More information is available on the dedicated section
in our website
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 51