Fostering Communities
In addition to academic grants, the UniCredit & Universities Foundation Our cultural outreach emphasizes the role of music as a universal
conducts other initiatives with top European universities and financial language. In Italy, through its enduring partnership with the
institutions. In 2012, the foundation organized three workshops: Filarmonica della Scala, since 2000 UniCredit has supported the
The Social Dimension of Organizations at Central European University orchestra’s concert season, national and international tours, and
in Budapest, Gender Equality at Bocconi University in Milan and The special events. Nearly 20,000 people experienced 11 concerts during
Euro Area Crisis and its Impact on Turkey at the Yapı Kredi Banking the 2012 season at the Teatro alla Scala through our initiatives.
Academy in Istanbul. In 2013, UniCredit & Universities Foundation Moreover, in the course of its national and international tours, the
will further its commitment to organizing academic workshops by orchestra played 17 concerts in such countries as Germany, Russia
extending these initiatives to other UniCredit countries. and France, with more than 32,000 people attending the events.
In Germany, UniCredit Bank AG promoted its Real Life Learning For our The Filarmonica della Scala Meets the City open rehearsal
Workshops, to foster leadership skills among young participants series, held in cooperation with the UniCredit Foundation, 10,000
through experiential learning. In 2012, roughly 45 students Milan residents took to the seats of the Teatro alla Scala to listen
participated in workshops held at universities in Budapest and to the orchestra rehearse. Proceeds from this series went to four
Cologne, which were designed to promote self-reflection and local non-profit organizations dedicated to children, which had the
inspire personal and professional growth. opportunity to promote their projects to a wide audience.
UniCredit Bank Austria AG’s UniCredit CEE Student Circle program is a We launched the new Filarmonica della Scala in Cinemas initiative
joint initiative with the Vienna University of Economics and Business, in 2012 and broadcast five of the orchestra’s concerts live in movie
which was launched to increase students’ interest in theaters in 10 European countries and the United States. Audiences
CEE-related coursework and to build their careers in Central and sitting in the Teatro alla Scala and in 235 cinemas around the
Eastern Europe. Academics and company representatives share world all enjoyed the performances by the legendary orchestra.
their expertise by debating about CEE-related issues and its growing
economic importance, also presenting potential career paths. Thereby, Moreover, we continued to support educational initiatives through
through presentations and workshops they introduce students to the second edition of the Sound, Music! program in 2012, which
CEE’s and the availability of excellent career opportunities, providing teaches children about classical music. Roughly 1,000 Milanese
the insights needed to make informed career choices. In 2012, 848 primary school students participated in four music lessons,
students participated in UniCredit CEE Student Circle. while the program’s final capstone event was open to UniCredit
employees and the general public, drawing 500 attendees.
We also encourage the development of younger generations by
promoting active, healthy lifestyles through initiatives that help make In Italy, UniCredit maintained its longstanding partnership with the
sports and fitness a regular part of people’s lives from an early age. Arena di Verona Foundation and the Arena Museum Opera (AMO).
In 2012, we backed the Arena di Verona Foundation’s opera festival
Through the Pass It On! initiative, UniCredit Bank Hungary ZRT has which staged 50 performances for more than 425,000 visitors and
worked with several primary schools for three consecutive years organized 10 Invito all’Opera events for 3,400 guests.
to promote physical activity, sports and healthier lifestyles among
children. UniCredit Bank Hungary ZRT encourages schools to organize
one-day sporting events for their students, after which the children Roughly 900,000 participants
write about their experiences. Schools that submit these short in main cultural initiatives
essays to our bank, along with several photos of the event, receive
UniCredit donations to improve their sports facilities, buy new sports
equipment or organize excursions. Parts of the best reports were
published in the national sports newspaper. In 2012, more than 140 In Germany, we partner with many important music festivals.
schools joined Pass It On!, with an estimated 40,000 children taking The UniCredit Festival Night is one of Munich’s top cultural events and
part in the campaign - playing soccer, basketball, table tennis and is free of charge to about 15,000 people who attend each summer. The
other sports selected by the schools. festival’s concerts and lectures include artists and ensembles from the
Bavarian State Opera. This annual prelude to the Munich Opera Festival
is also climate-neutral, with all events held in an environmentally
Uniting people through music and art friendly manner. In 2012, UniCredit also renewed its partnerships with
UniCredit’s long-standing tradition of promoting culture is deeply the Richard Strauss Festival in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the world-
rooted in its corporate identity. We believe that business, culture and renowned Richard Wagner Festival in Bayreuth.
social cohesion together contribute to the sustainable development
of our communities. That is why we work to make cultural initiatives In Austria we are the main partner of the Vienna Philharmonic’s
accessible to a vast and diverse public, and support young talent and annual outdoor Summer Night Concert at the Schönbrunn Palace
their ideas. We do this by placing an emphasis on classical music Gardens, regarded as among the finest orchestral events in the
and contemporary arts and cultivating partnerships with preeminent world. Admission is free of charge for the 70,000 to 100,000
cultural institutions in the countries where we work. Moreover, we people who attend the concert series each year, while an
provide these institutions with financial and organizational support. additional estimated 800,000 viewers watch the televised concerts
throughout Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In 2012 about
100,000 people attended the events.
68 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit