Valuing Our Colleagues
Over the years, our Group has invested in creating a We are continuing to improve our employees’ ability to understand
performance-focused culture and ensuring that our local processes customer needs and manage their relationships effectively and, to
are in line with Group-level guidelines. As a result, we have been this end, we developed several country-level initiatives1.
paying closer attention to developing country-level initiatives that
support high-performing colleagues. For example, we:
• established talent assessment and development centers in
Italy, Austria, Poland and several CEE countries
• enrolled 90 colleagues in Meet Successful Leaders, an event
series in Bulgaria that provides opportunities to engage in
dialogue with experts on the national economy Step into Customers’ Shoes
• launched the Talentum Program in Hungary, which creates
opportunities for professional development, such as participating In Ukraine our retail employees are trained through an
in cross-function projects. Of the more than 100 employees who innovative approach that involves mystery shopping.
applied to the program, 20 colleagues were selected Colleagues experience how it feels to be a customer, and
then they create an action plan to improve their own
The development of UniCredit’s people is the shared impact on customers. In 2012, 143 people participated.
responsibility of our managers, our employees and our
organization. We are convinced that opportunities to learn on the
job are particularly valuable for honing leadership skills. That is
why we have begun to design individual action plans based on Percentage of training hours, breakdown by type of training, 2012A
the Leader-Led development approach. This leverages on-the- 8 7
job opportunities for executives and selected talents to drive
behavioral change and acquire new skills.
We have also identified and formalized on-the-job activities that
Managerial training
offer the greatest impact on performance for our executives and
Technical trainingB
talents. This was done by drawing on successful activities undertaken
by our managers in the past and on external best practices, which Foreign language training
have been incorporated into an on-the-job catalogue. 85
Nurturing superior knowledge A. This data is based on 80 percent of the total Head Count. Training hours include
In order to better respond to the needs of our people and e-learning, classroom training and training on the job.
B. Our technical trainings focus on areas including new system implementation,
customers - and to optimize our investments in employee core banking skill certification, and sales and relationship management skills.
training - we worked to specialize our learning offerings
according to job profiles and business segments. We continued
to make use of high-quality IT tools and to draw on the In addition to supporting our sales force with specialized training,
expertise of internal facilitators. We focused on our train- we developed new learning opportunities to meet the needs of our
the-trainer sessions and produced the WeLearn International Group’s highly specialized competence lines.
platform through which trainers can interact, post guidance
materials and share best practices. Our efforts served both to Our training offerings for employees in our competence lines are
manage costs and increase effectiveness. We also increased our experience-based. They include training modules that are both
total training hours per capita by 17 percent in 2012. specialized and cross-functional. These learning modules are
designed to improve core skills, which vary based on position,
As in previous years, we worked on building our employees’ job category and level of expertise. For example, offerings for
skills to enable them to respond effectively to customer the CFO competence line include courses on financial controls,
needs and have a positive impact on the customer experience. the Basel III regulatory framework and other topics. Cross-
Our technical training programs are designed to expand our functional learning opportunities help develop such skills as
employees’ product knowledge, develop core banking skills, and public speaking, team management and project management.
hone their sales and relationship management expertise. Our offerings are provided via different methods - from classroom
learning to learning online - and incorporate suggested readings
As part of our strategy to support the internationalization of and on-the-job opportunities.
Italian enterprises, in 2012 we developed a specific foreign
certification path. This learning path aims to impart and certify To date, we completed learning offerings for our CFO, Internal Audit
professional skills related to managing international transactions. and Organization competence lines, and are currently designing
It focuses on trade finance associated with the management of them for the remaining areas. In 2013, we will complete our
risks for employees who manage front- and back-office activities learning catalogue for HR and Group Identity & Communications.
in Italy and Romania. It promotes a high standard of quality from
end to end of the production chain. To date, we have issued 812 1. Refer to the Serving Inidividuals and Families and Supporting Companies chapters
certifications. for more information
24 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit