awareness and improve our relationship managers’ understanding and provides periodic returns. Customers can opt out before maturity
of the broader business environment. without incurring penalties or fees. From May 1 to December 31, 2012,
more than 20,600 Conto Risparmio Sicuro accounts were opened.
In terms of raising organizational awareness, we conducted nine two- to
four-day training sessions in 2012 at our Banking school in Slovenia. We are also developing our Be Your Banker automatic savings program,
There, 108 colleagues developed a better understanding of the in Romania, which helps customers save money while they shop.
processes, tools and service models used in our business areas, while For every purchase they make with their credit or debit card, a certain
cultivating relationships with colleagues from different departments. amount will be automatically transferred to their saving accounts.
In terms of understanding the broader business environment, our Moreover, we developed consumer protection insurance products
relationship managers in Austria learned the skills needed to conduct for our customers in Central and Eastern Europe. In Croatia, for
structured, need-oriented dialogues with their international customers. instance, our credit protection insurance was the first product of its
This one-day training session focused on conducting annual check-up kind in the market, and it is the only one that provides coverage in
meetings, and was led by a native language speaker and an HR trainer. the event of illness or unemployment.
In Poland, our private bankers partipated in regular teleconferences When we speak of providing concrete solutions, we are also referring
led by internal and external experts who discussed the current market to our ability to identify the right service model. In Romania, for
situation and investment products. These private bankers also received example, we piloted a program to reallocate responsibility for 3,800
cutting-edge perspectives on allocating investments to different asset customers, from the branches that manage their accounts to those
classes, as well as on the performance expectations associated with they use most frequently. According to a survey conducted by our
different investment strategies. These updates were provided through call center, customers reported that they appreciated the added
our Investment Committee’s monthly reports, weekly conference calls, convenience of this simple but effective administrative change.
client portfolio analyses and bimonthly reports.
Offering concrete solutions
We understand that as a bank, we will ultimately be measured
by the real-life impact we have on our customers. In 2012, we
delivered concrete solutions to our diverse customer base at all Resolving housing issues
stages of their lives.
Buying a home is one of the most important decisions a person
In Italy, we partnered with Western Union for customers to send
remittances abroad through our online banking services, ATMs and can make in their life.
kiosks. And in Austria, we rolled out our Solutions 4 Generations
In Croatia, individuals can secure a non-refundable government
program to meet the estate-planning needs of our affluent customers.
subsidy that covers a portion of the interest on a mortgage.
In Poland, we were an important partner in the government For the first four years of a mortgage, the state offers a subsidy
mortgage program Rodzina na swoim - a mortgage loan with of 50 percent of all monthly installments, up to a maximum of
special conditions for singles and young families within certain €15,000. But new homeowners have to be proactive, as limited
income levels. We also created a current account with a special funds have been allocated to the program.
help line for pensioners. And in Serbia, we now issue loans for
pensioners with life insurance. As a result, we organized a customer relationship management
(CRM) campaign to contact clients and provide them with critical
In Bulgaria, we continued to offer Donna, a product line designed to information, including: when the allocations became available;
meet women’s needs and banking preferences. Donna allows women the required documentation; real estate listings in communities
to finance their personal and family needs through tailored consumer financed by our bank; and the favorable terms and conditions
loans, credit cards and a current account package that provides credit available for loans that qualify for the subsidies.
protection insurance with extended hospitalization coverage and
decreased monthly payments over a one-year period during or after Due to the limited availability of the subsidies, our bank had a short
pregnancy. Since the launch in February 2011, we issued more than window of time to inform interested customers on this process.
7,000 credit cards and more than 10,900 debit cards from our Donna
We also stressed the need for customers to submit their documents
product line. We also developed unique value proposals for target
quickly, so that our bank could provide them with a loan and they
groups based on an analysis of specific customers (e.g., sailors, dentists,
Russian-speaking professionals, etc.). We publicized our ad hoc products could apply for the special subsidy in time. Our efforts on their
and services to these target groups at local events, resulting in a 27 behalf - organizing the CRM campaign, contacting clients, collecting
percent increase in product sales to Russian-speaking customers . documents, fast-tracking loan approvals and submitting subsidy
applications on time - resulted in satisfied clients who saved a
We also provided real ways to grow our customers’ savings. In Italy, significant amount of money when buying their homes.
Conto Risparmio Sicuro guarantees our clients’ initial investment
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 39