after customer complaints were resolved, and we used the data At UniCredit, we are well aware of the potential impact of this
to compile quarterly reports. We completed 188 interviews in trasformation. Customers will expect simpler, more seamless
2012, which pointed towards ways to improve our complaint relationships with their bank. This is why we are pioneering a unique
management process. Also in Romania, we kicked off a new approach to doing business with our customers using their preferred
program to head off customer complaints. Stemming from our means of communications. We are combining the strength of our
“moments of truth” interactions, this program highlighted areas branches’local ties with greater accessibility to digital channels.
for improvement, including: price transparency, branch or ATM
availability, and speed when providing solutions to clients. This is not only impacting the alternative channels, but also
transforming our branch service model to find new ways to
While feedback helps us to improve, we are also keen to involve our engage with our clients. For example, we increased the decision-
customers in developing new banking solutions. This is why in making authority of our local branches as they continue to leverage
Germany, our HVB Client Forum continues to function as our online the global strength of our extensive network. We are also adjusting
advisory committee, with more than 780 registered users. Forum our approach so that all of our face-to-face interactions are focused
members openly discuss and engage in the early-stage optimization on providing in-depth advisory services.
of all customer-related products, processes and services.
In Italy, we continued to simplify our traditional netwotk organization
In Austria, we created the Innovative Web 2.0 Customer Dialogue via and service model. In line with client requests to be closer to our
Crowd Sourcing project, which allowed 420 customers to test and territories, we are introducing seven new regional managers and
rank new solutions. delegating 90 percent of all of decision-making authority to the
territories. These changes serve to maintain our clients’ trust in us
Our bank researches customer opinions and requests in all of the and to generate greater reliability and transparency.
countries where we work. And by communicating regularly with current
and prospective customers, we become more attuned to their thoughts At our larger branches in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we stationed our
and concerns - and we can develop better services and initiatives. customer relationship managers at information desks to answer
quick inquiries and shorten queues.
F CUS Similarly in Bulgaria, we created the Seller-Teller position to better
serve our retail customers. As our seller-tellers are the face of our
bank and welcome new clients to our branches more than 90 percent
of the time, they are involved in all processes and fully versed in our
Pioneer Investments Savings Observatory products and services. We also adjusted our service model to provide
more customers with personal bankers. We reported a significant
Our Group drafted the first UniCredit-Pioneer Investments improvement in customer satisfaction, with our index score jumping
Savings Observatory report, thanks to a new partnership to 80, up from 71 in 2011 - scoring 12 points higher than the market
between Pioneer Economics & Market Research, UniCredit average and only 1 point behind the market leader.
Territorial Research and Strategies & Marketing Italy.
With our new clients, we intend to develop lasting relationships
Presented on October 16, 2012 in Milan, the report addresses
stemming from our deep knowledge and understanding of their
the behavior and financial conditions of Italian households over needs. As a result, we focus on staying in close contact with them
time, comparing national data on the savings and wealth of for the first three to 12 months of our relationship leveraging on an
Italy’s households to other developed countries. The report also integration among channels approach.
includes details by region and insights based on data drawn
from a sample of UniCredit customers. In Russia, for example, new clients receive a welcome SMS
message one week after opening an account with us. We follow up
one week later with a welcome email, inviting them to participate
in our online survey to gauge their expectations. In 2012, we
welcomed 13,944 customers to our bank in this way.
Enhancing our presence
The ascendance of digital channels is having an impact on Our new Multichannel and Territories project is designed to
our customers. Smartphone technologies and social media, integrate our branch networks with our digital channels. We are
among other new communication channels, have changed their using our mobile and online banking platforms, contact centers
expectations of how banks should render their services. and ATMs as well as SMS and email to offer products and services
to our customers via their preferred means of communication.
Moreover, because of the growing prevalence of online
and mobile banking and the migration of various types of
transactions to ATMs, the ways to engage with customers are Roughly 5 million active
definitively expanding.
online banking customers
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 33