Supporting Companies
In Poland, our Business Competences Development Academy Example of trainings for colleagues dealing with corporate clients
conducted trainings for colleagues working with SMEs in 2012,
including a two-day financial training for more than 400 advisors and a Country Focus Duration 2012 Target
four-day training for 345 RMs on customer relationships. As an indirect
74 colleagues
result of these trainings, RMs freed up more time to interact directly New products
Bosnia and (RMs, Assistants,
with their clients, increasing their phone calls and meetings by 11 and services 3 hours
Herzegovina Branch Managers,
and 18 percent respectively. Moreover, our CIB Academy organized 13 (i.e., e-commerce)
Financial Advisors)
specialized workshops, which trained more than 340 bank colleagues.
Financial analysis,
credit application,
Because spending time with customers is essential, we Bulgaria 4 days 22 colleagues
comprehensive risk
implemented new training solutions supporting our RMs to be
constantly updated while maintaining customer focus.
2 day training
In Germany, for instance, approximately 650 small business RMs Risk management, program
125 RMs
received three 30-minute coaching calls. And in Austria, more asset quality “Banking for
than 40 RMs dealing with freelancers were trained via video professionals”
conferences. These remote trainings will continue in 2013. 2 day training
Banking technical
Based on the Cross-Border Service Standards implemented across knowledge 55 RMs
(negotiation, sale)
our banks14, in 2011 we launched a web-based training program Magic”
to review rules, responsibilities and processes related to serving
Risk assessment,
customers with businesses in two or more countries. Rolled out in
focusing on 3 days 100 colleagues
2012, the program trained 700 relationship managers, assistants
Ukraine the economic
and credit specialists in 14 countries. environment and
5 days 40 RMs
structured corp. fin.
We piloted a new training format in Slovenia, in which a trainer
accompanies the CIB relationship manager, analyst or product
specialist to client visits. Trainers conduct short interviews with At UniCredit, many training programs for our RMs are focused on
clients following their meetings, after which they then meet with developing sector-specific knowledge and expertise.
their trainees to discuss ways to improve transparency and meet
customer needs. Together, they assess client meetings using a UniLine, a new training concept, was launched in Germany to
check list, after which trainees and their managers receive feedback disseminate industry information and expertise. Conducted as
regarding areas for improvement. Trainers follow up after several a telephone conference call, it provides RMs with an overview
weeks to ensure that all necessary improvements are being made. of specific industries and their key features and challenges. This
training is designed to enable RMs to advise clients using accurate,
industry-specific information.
To enhance our understanding of our large corporate clients,
we launched an internal initiative called Industry Shared Views.
The initiative consists of industry specific meetings and calls
that are held on a rolling basis and are aimed to disseminate
industry knowledge to colleagues in key coverage role.
Developments and trends are discussed with internal and
external experts. As a result, our senior bankers and our global
account managers are informed on macro developments in
industries such as utilities, telecommunications, healthcare
and pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automotive, construction,
machinery, transportation and logistics, consumer goods and
retail, and oil and gas.
The initiative kicked off successfully in December 2012 with
the first call addressing the automotive industry, attracting 30
participants. Monthly calls have been scheduled through all of
Photo by: UniCredit Bulbank.
14. Russia and Poland roll out ongoing.
48 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit