Project GOLD simplifies operations by empowering our I am confident that the steps we have taken to build a
countries with greater decision-making authority. simpler, stronger bank, have positioned us to achieve
This permits us to work closer with clients and create sustainable revenue and commercial growth in the coming
better-tailored solutions. It allows us to be easier to deal year. We are well prepared to accomplish these objectives
with and provides a clearer chain of command. It enables thanks to our exceptional people. Their hard work carried
our commercial networks to be quicker to markets. And it out in our 22 countries, combined with our innovative
allows our countries to support local market development. products, our cost discipline and our risk management
One of the many ways we are doing this is by leveraging our culture all accrete to deliver a strong competitive
expertise and networks to help customers internationalize advantage.
their businesses. We first began this initiative in Italy and
are expanding it to other countries in which we work. For all of these reasons, I am convinced that in 2013 we
will continue to be successful in implementing our strategy
We strengthened our internal control and risk management and realizing our ambition to be one of the strongest banks
culture to simplify the way in which we do business, in Europe.
delivering greater clarity. And it will set the stage for
increased profitability and more sustainable customer
relationships. Sincerely,
Innovation remains a top priority for us. We are creating the
products and services that our customers want and need.
And we are developing new, more convenient channels
through which they can bank with us. By offering customers
the option to use their mobile phones, tablets or computers
to manage their finances, we are becoming a simpler, more
efficient bank. This in turn will help us to reduce costs and Federico Ghizzoni
ensure our sustainability. Chief Executive Officer
We are developing a more integrated approach to our
annual reporting. Our goal is to deliver both our financials
and non-financials in one publication, to be consistent with
the sustainability component of our strategic plan.
As we implement our plan, we are seeing positive results.
We increased our direct funding by more than €22 billion,
posting good results in Germany and CEE with pre-tax
profits totaling roughly €4.2 billion. Our CIB Division
experienced real growth and raised its profile in debt capital
markets. By becoming the lead manager in issuing more
than €65 billion in euro-denominated bonds, our division
is now ranked number two in Europe.
Our support for the UN Global Compact
We reaffirm our support for the principles of the UN Global Compact.
They clearly express our commitment to human rights, fair working conditions, the environment
and the fight against corruption.
UniCredit · UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report
2012 Conso lidated Reports and Accounts 5