This approach enables us to measure and reward performance
based on common principles and to foster successful careers
Learning and development
through targeted incentives. A user-friendly IT tool allows us to Our Group continued to invest in our learning and development
simplify and automate the entire process. programs in 2012, as part of our commitment to improve
the professional skills of our colleagues and the quality and
Our 2013 goal-setting process for Group executives is based accountability of our leaders. We differentiated leadership
on our KPI Bluebook, which provides managers and HR with development programs based on employees’ performance,
specific guidelines to define the objectives of the performance potential, stated career objectives and professional transitions.
management and appraisal process. These guidelines ensure We also tailored our learning programs to specific job profiles,
respect for our strategic direction, our risk approach, applicable while taking into account the need to balance cost considerations
regulatory frameworks and the measurability of results. with total impact, ensuring that our activities are sustainable.
In a review undertaken for the 2013 KPI Bluebook, we focused
on the KPI category “enhance risk and control culture” and
worked to clarify the goals of the support and control functions.
Promoting talent and leadership development
When setting goals, managers are asked to select at least one The complexity of today’s business environment, combined with
risk-adjusted KPI, or a KPI related to the “enhance risk and the challenging objectives of our strategic plan, demand that
control culture” category, for each Group executive. Additionally, we continue to invest in our leadership. We are doing this by
a mandatory qualitative evaluation of risk, compliance and fostering the professional growth of our colleagues, developing
control competency and attitude - both in the self-assessment their full potential and retaining key talent.
and in the manager appraisal - now applies to every executive
within the EDP process. We have worked to distinguish our different development
initiatives while maintaining a consistent approach to appraising
These initiatives enhance our risk, compliance and control our employees’ performance, potential and personal goals.
culture Groupwide. The same consistent approach applies to our succession planning.
In 2012, our Group Open Mentoring Program enrolled 82 new
participants, for a total of 500 selected executives and talents.
One integrated development and Additionally, we introduced a mentoring program for a smaller
incentive system for approx 600 pool of Group executives focused on career development. In
this program, top managers are enlisted as mentors, including
Group executives Executive Management Team members. To date, 18 employees
are enrolled in this program, 12 of whom are women.
For our non-executive employees, a system of incentives has We have also refined our criteria for talent selection,
been developed on the basis of our Group Compensation Policy, assessment and development. As a result, the number of
which provides comprehensive compliance guidelines on this employees in our Groupwide Talent Management Review
subject. These ensure that incentives at all organizational levels decreased by 10 percent in the last two years; it now comprises
contribute to our sustainability by aligning our aspirations roughly 1,000 new talents, 100 of whom received coaching.
and behavior with UniCredit’s long-term objectives. Since
the guidelines encourage balanced, performance-based We also launched our Talent Induction program, which provides
compensation among all employees, this approach helps foster promising colleagues with input on how to manage their
a sustainable, high-performance culture. professional development, improve their current performance
and build long-term career objectives. In total, 164 employees
Our Group offers benefit packages and employee welfare participated in the first round of this program.
initiatives that aim to:
• ensure consistency with our business needs and employment
• advance our business sustainability 164 employees took part in our
• have a positive impact on our engagement and productivity Talent Induction program
• generate perceived value for our employees
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 23