Promoting financial inclusion cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency calls management
were held in Milan and Modena for 50 participants.
Financial inclusion is integral to the sustainable growth of In 2013, this program will be launched in other Italian cities
communities. Citizens who are well-informed and equipped with • starting in January 2013, free internet access is provided
dedicated banking services can play a more active role in the in branches to help immigrant families - customers and
economic life of a country. non-customers alike - complete online school enrollment
procedures that are compulsory under Italian law
At UniCredit, we foster financial inclusion by providing relevant
products and services that respond to the needs of individuals from At UniCredit Bank Austria AG, we piloted our Banking Without Borders
potentially underserved communities or more vulnerable groups, project in 2011. The project, launched in cooperation with our
such as foreign citizens, youths and the disabled. branches involving Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia
and Turkey provides foreign customers with advisory services in 24
Over the past decade, the estimated number of migrants worldwide languages and in more than 200 branches. The initiative provides
has increased from 150 to 214 million, and is expected to grow to also a search application on the UniCredit Bank Austria AG website
an estimated 405 million by mid-century7. Already a dominant force that allows customers to find branches offering advisory services
of population change, international migration is likely to increase in their home language. More than 100 employees with different
in scale and complexity in the coming years, influencing countries cultural backgrounds and highly proficient in multiple languages,
development as it represents one of the vehicles for the exchange of play an active role in meeting the needs of foreign customers. Our
knowledge, skills and services. sales advisory is enhanced by ad hoc sales information and printed
materials in different languages – Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Turkish
Aware of the particular concerns of this segment, our customized and English – that are distributed among pilot branches. Moreover,
portfolios are tailored to meet the daily needs of foreign citizens. UniCredit Bank Austria AG operates a Regional Office – International
Community, among the leading Austrian Institutions that serve non-
In Italy, Agenzia Tu supports the integration of residents in Italy resident customer segment.
by providing a wide range of ad hoc products and services. In
2012, Agenzia Tu served more than 15,800 individuals, increased Our approach to serving immigrants who are working to build a
compared to the previous year. better future aligns with our dedication to younger generations.
This is why we provide this population with tailored products and
Among our services, the Conto Tu Famiglia is the first current services, such as current accounts, cards and loans, while helping
account package designed to meet the daily financial needs of them to develop responsible spending and investment habits.
caregivers, domestic staff and babysitters. In addition to traditional
banking services (e.g., debit and prepaid cards, online banking, In Italy, UniCredit ad Honorem provides students with the
etc.), this package offers six free annual online international financial and tuition assistance they need to attend major Italian
remittances to banks holding agreements with UniCredit. It also universities. Through this loan program, a student can postpone
provides access to non-banking services that include educational principal payments, for example until graduating or securing a job.
and professional development programs to help our clients’ social In 2012, 470 loans were disbursed.
integration. In 2012, Conto Tu Famiglia received an Italian Banking
Association award for innovation in banking services. Austria’s StudentenKonto program, which supports students
throughout their education and until they find employment,
Our Agenzia Tu branches also offer Account Based Money Transfer also extends a student loan with a repayment of up to 10 years.
services (ABMT) thanks to an agreement we hold with Western Students under the age of 30 receive a free current account, debit
Union in eight countries. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, and credit cards, online banking services and even annual access
ABMT allows customers to send money through any of our 7,800 to discounted tickets for about 4,000 events. The program’s mobile
ATMs and 4,000 kiosks to more than 500,000 Western Union banking is optimized for smartphones, and 24-hour multi-channel
agent locations worldwide. This offer represents our commitment customer service is available via email, UniCredit Bank Austria AG’s
to delivering high quality money transfer services, while meeting website, telephone, SMS, and video telephony.
customers’ growing demand for access to a range of channels (e.g.,
branches, online and mobile banking, ATMs and call centers). In Hungary, our Dobbantó and Trendy accounts provide low-cost
banking services to individuals from ages 14 to 26 years old, while
Beyond just our financial offerings, we also conduct special cultivating their financial literacy. We served roughly 5,200 account
initiatives that encourage intercultural dialogue to foster migrant holders, as of March 2013.
communities’ integration. In 2012, these included:
• financial education courses at our Agenzia Tu branches, which Achieving greater financial inclusion also demands that the
were a part of the In-Formati program and included 295 financial services industry address the needs of people with
participants in 29 employee-taught classes disabilities, ensuring equal and fair access to financial products
• emergency management programs such as the Como and services. At UniCredit, we continue improving access to our
Cuore Onlus’ Are You Able to Save a Life?, which improves banking services and promoting special initiatives, with notable
professional skills in emergency management. Two classes on examples in Austria and CEE.
7. Source: International Organization for Migration, “The World Migration Report 2010: The Future of
Migration: Building capacities for change”, 2010.
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 61