Mobile banking has become the core of our multichannel strategy, At UniCredit, we want to shape the future by creating new ways
which seeks to enable our customers to access our services using their for our customers to do their banking with us. Thus, we are
preferred means of communication. Through mobile banking, we are investing in research and development, with our new R&D team
able to stay in close contact with our customers - wherever, whenever. building prototypes based on the most advanced technologies. For
example, we are piloting a touchless biometric payment system
Initially, many mobile banking services used phones as a type of based on Papillon technology, and we have been patenting this
“remote control” to conduct different banking operations. But today solution, allowing us to deploy such a system.
our Group is developing new mobile banking innovations to be
rolled out in the coming months and years. Customers’ credit card
management is among our most recent mobile banking innovations.
In addition to managing their credit lines and transactions, customers
can cancel their credit cards if they are lost or stolen, and can use our
transaction management system to pay their bills with a single click.
iLibrary: the app that helps simplify the
lives of our private banking customers
Roughly 865,600 downloads
of our mobile app in Italy, In Italy, our new private banking app provides customized services to
Germany, Austria and Poland meet customer needs as well as to deliver a comprehensive view of
ongoing economic and financial developments.
iLibrary was included in the Cerchio d’Oro dell’Innovazione
Our mobile banking app is already highly ranked both in the Finanziaria during the Mobile App Award 2012.
Italian market and among our customers. As of December 31,
2012, roughly 250,000 customers activated their UniCredit mobile
banking app, and we expect to have more than 1 million registered Simplicity and transparency
users by the end of 2015.
One of UniCredit’s most important objectives is to provide clear
In Germany, more than 100,500 customers downloaded our HVB information to our customers always looking for new ways
Mobile B@nking app for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android, to connect and to communicate transparently with them as
following the launch of our new mobile website in early 2012 to customers adopt new habits and technologies.
support Android, Windows Mobile and other operating systems.
In order to increase the transparency of our approach, in 2012 we
In Austria, there have been roughly 120,000 downloads of our 4 worked to:
mobile app onto iPhone, Nokia and Android platforms, while • communicate responsibly by increasing consumer participation,
AndroidPIT, one of the largest online Android communities, simplifying our products and services and making our marketing
gave our app a four-star rating. more transparent
• generate a positive customer impact by offering easier and more
In Poland, Bank Pekao received an award from Newsweek for efficient solutions
its successful multiplatform mobile app. With nearly 57,000
active users, the app includes a range of functions that employ a Communicating responsibly
sophisticated user interface. Customers can manage their accounts,
transfer money to different accounts, access Western Union and Dialogue is essential to strengthening our stakeholder relationships.
trade stocks. In 2013, our goal is to draw 10 percent of all internet This is why we are working to build our social media presence and
users in Poland to download our app. make UniCredit-related information more accessible, even as we
collect more feedback from customers and the general public.
Number of mobile
CountryA Operating System UniCredit’s official social media pages allow for open, two-way
apps downloaded
communications, where customers and the public can read the
iPhone, Android, latest news about our new products, services, and cultural and social
Italy 518,000
BlackBerry, Nokia
initiatives. In turn, they can post comments and ask questions.
iPhone, iPad,
Germany 100,550
iPod Touch, Android As a new and important point of contact for our Group, social
AustriaB iPhone, Android, Nokia 120,000 media will be integrated into our retail networks and customer care
iPhone, Android, programs across all UniCredit branches, contact centers, and online
Poland BlackBerry, 127,000 and mobile banking services. We are on track, with more than
Windows Phone, Java 152,800 Facebook “likes” (87,732 in Italy alone) as of December
2012 and a YouTube channel that has attracted more subscribers
A. Data refer to individual and small and medium enterprises customers.
B. Data as of September 30, 2012 and refers to individuals customers. than those managed by our peers in the financial sector.
4. Data refer to individual customers as of September 2012
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 35