Diversity and inclusion within our Group. We do this because we want our people to feel
valued and to achieve their full potential. To support these efforts,
UniCredit operates in 22 countries employing roughly 169,000 we conducted a survey at the beginning of 2013 in seven countries2,
individuals with the majority being in Italy, Germany and Poland. focusing on colleagues’ perceptions of issues related to diversity
Our Group is 41 percent male and 59 percent female, and 60 and inclusion. We received more than 8,000 survey responses,
percent of our colleagues are between the ages of 31 and 50, with amounting to nearly half of the colleagues contacted. After we
the average age at just over 40. analyze their responses and feedback, we will establish a baseline
for measuring the mid-term effectiveness of our initiatives.
Employees by gender and by country, 2012
Country Female Male Head Count Promoting gender balance
Italy 44% 56% 52,597
In line with our 2012 priorities, we promoted gender balance in our
Germany 55% 45% 24,259
leadership pipeline. By doing so, we achieved our target of having
Austria 56% 44% 11,522 30 percent female representation on the boards3 of several of our
Poland 78% 22% 20,380 subsidiaries, including Bank Pekao SA and UniCredit Leasing SpA.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 72% 28% 1,784 These results went beyond the legal requirements, as these
Bulgaria 77% 23% 4,667 subsidiaries are not subject to Italian law. At UniCredit SpA, 21
Croatia 74% 26% 5,060 percent of our board positions are currently held by women; we will
Czech Republic 61% 39% 3,011 continue to pursue our targets Groupwide as the terms of our board
Hungary 69% 31% 2,494
members expire.
Kazakhstan 71% 29% 3,087
We also made progress in our Gender Balance Program, which our
Romania 72% 28% 4,638
Group launched at the end of 2011. The program’s five working
Russia 69% 31% 4,115 groups - each led by an HR executive and a business leader -
Serbia 63% 37% 1,052 include 51 individuals. Of these participants, 47 percent are
Slovakia 70% 30% 1,591 from HR while 53 percent are from our business or competence
Slovenia 64% 36% 660 lines in Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland and several CEE countries.
Ukraine 78% 22% 8,248 Thanks to their participation, our program marked several major
Other 59% 41% 20,043 achievements, including:
Total 59% 41% 169,208
• the development of a Groupwide Gender Equality Policy, which
will apply to HR processes and practices. This will create a more
level playing field, enabling all employees to develop their full
Total workforce by gender, 2012 Total workforce by age, 2012 potential regardless of gender. The policy defines responsibilities
at both the legal-entity and Group levels in the course of
18 executing our strategy to achieve greater gender balance; annual
41 22 monitoring of our progress on diversity is also covered. The policy
will be approved by the end of 2013
• the creation of a KPI dashboard, which indicates the percentage of
% %
gender representation by tier, country, competence and business
lines, and key business functions. It provides information on
precisely how the pipeline is working (e.g., showing whether there
is gender balance across new appointments). In addition to helping
31 us measure results, the dashboard provides baseline data and
59 29
guidance on how best to implement gender balance Groupwide
• the definition of career and development plans to accelerate the
professional development of top performers and high-potential
Female up to 30 years executives. These plans place a stronger emphasis on building a
Male 31-40 years
41-50 years
gender-balanced leadership pipeline. We also designed a learning
above 51 years lab to help women Groupwide to improve their self-awareness
and their ability to manage their professional growth
Given the diversity of our workforce, it is strategically important • the development of a communication plan to raise awareness
to our Group to create a culture of inclusion - one that values among our employees and create a culture of inclusion
differences at every level of our organization. To this end, and in
line with the Joint Declaration on Equal Opportunities and Our Gender Balance Program will be rolled out in eight countries4 in
Non-Discrimination, we continued to invest in making full use of 2013, covering 60 percent of all UniCredit colleagues and roughly
the talent, skills, experience and different cultural perspectives 70 percent of our managerial staff positions.
2. Italy, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania.
3. Board of Directors or Supervisory Board.
4. Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania.
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 25