Supporting Companies
F CUS This reorganization, together with the enhancement of
mechanisms supporting our commercial planning, freed up
more time to dedicate to customers. In 2012, for example, in
continuation of our activities in previous years, we introduced
a new commercial planning tool called Navigatore ME, which
UniCredit Bank Financial Days in Slovenia facilitates our relationship managers’ interactions with some
40,000 Medium Enterprises (ME) customers.
In September 2012, local business leaders and UniCredit In Austria, we re-organized our Vienna region by creating a unique
senior managers convened for a two-day Out of the Box event one for SME clients in order for their relationship managers to
to exchange ideas and best practices. 65 CFOs and CEOs of dedicate more time catering to their needs. More than 50,000 SME
the local businesses participated in the event after which clients benefited from this re-organization.
UniCredit Bank Slovenia’s relationship managers followed up
with each participant to collect their feedback. In Romania, we converted our corporate corner in a retail branch
in the city of Târgu Mureş into a corporate center for better serving
our local corporate clients, while in Russia, we integrated our
Corporate Finance Advisory into Zao UniCredit Bank to improve
Our listening and dialogue initiatives include also opportunities cooperation between our relationship managers and finance
to learn from customer complaints and identify areas of advisors to offer a more complete service.
improvement. We are particularly attentive on our complaints
management process8, through which customers can relay their While creating specialized centers improved our business expertise at
complaints via our call center, e-mail, internet banking platform the country level, centralizing our back office activities ensured that we
or directly to their branch. Moreover, through our post-complaints carry out customer requests with greater speed, as seen in Slovakia.
surveys, we are interested in understanding our effectiveness at
providing timely and satisfying solutions. Given that our service model includes a strong focus on long-term
relationships, the visibility of our relationship managers is vital.
In Austria, we conduct surveys throughout the year to record
clients’ perceptions of our resolution process. Results from these Thus, in Poland, for our SME customers who were assigned to a
surveys are provided to our Management Board, sales heads, and new relationship manager (either as a result of re-segmentation
process and product owners. or the filling of a vacant portfolio), we developed a process to
In addition to our regular complaints management process, we communicate this change. More than 20,000 customers received
created two specialized units: an informational letter and a follow- up call, and, in some cases,
• the Special Complaint Task Force handles issues related to met with their new relationship manager. In addition, as part of a
foreign exchange (FX) loans communications campaign, our contact center was in touch with
• the Ombuds Office for Handling Hardship Cases assists loan more than 8,000 clients without dedicated advisors to ensure that
customers with financial issues caused by unexpected events they receive customer information and advice.
(e.g., severe illness, death, natural disasters) and handled 18
cases in 2012
> 28,000 customers in
When interacting with clients, we prioritize their material issues,
which means ensuring that our proposals are transparent, our Poland were directly
credit processes are swift, and our customer care and advisory informed about service
services are of the highest quality.
model improvements
Connecting with customers To improve our dialogue with the leadership of our large
Maintaining close customer proximity demands a steady flow corporate customers, we established a Senior Banker position
of services. Thus, we are improving our traditional service in our Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Division. As
model by: experienced professionals with direct contacts to the CEOs and
• restructuring our countries’ headquarters to centralize competences CFOs of large corporations, our Senior Bankers lead the strategic
• streamlining back office activities to improve our speed and efficiency dialogue with these clients, develop the customer relationship
• cultivating long-term relationships and are accountable for overall client profitability, risk and capital
• enhancing our relationship managers’ industry-specific expertise consumption. This approach keeps us close to our major customers,
maintains a complete picture of their needs and centralizes the
To better meet customers’ needs, our Group was reorganized in coordination of decision-making processes. In 2012, our senior
Italy to delegate decision-making authority to our territories, in bankers were appointed in Germany (4), France (4), Italy (3),
order to streamline and speed up administrative processes. Austria (2), Poland (1), and the Middle East and North Africa (1).
8. Refer to the Supplement for complaints data.
44 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit