In 2012, the particular economic crisis environment and the consequent worsening of the social conditions in Italy1
led to a total of 115 robberies out of which 50 unsuccessful, thanks also to the security countermeasures adopted.
In Germany, Austria, Poland and CEE, the number of successful robberies remained in any case limited to 18 cases in
With regard to theft, consisting mainly of attacks on ATMs, in Italy in 2012 a slight decrease of successful
cases from 39 in 2011 to 37 was registered. Thanks also to the security countermeasures adopted, out of 91
events 54 were unsuccessful.
In Germany, Austria, Poland and CEE, the ATM attacks remained a marginal phenomenon, registering only 11
successful cases in 2012.
Lastly, 2012 saw a substantial decrease at Group level of the successful online frauds (mainly phishing) compared
with the previous year. On the other hand, 2012 evidenced an increase of frauds perpetrated to ATM/POS devices
in terms of credentials skimming and tampering of cash dispenser devices (shutter tampering).
Nevertheless, in Italy our fraud to sales volume ratio is stable to 0.04 percent, which is well below the best
practice ratio of 0.08 percent.
Adherence to legal standards and voluntary codes related to
marketing and communication
UniCredit follows the Code of Marketing Communication Self-Regulation (Codice di Autodisciplina della
Comunicazione Commerciale - promoted by the Advertising Self-Regulation Institute (Istituto
dell’Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria - IAP), which commits subscribers to transparent, honest and true advertising.
UniCredit is also a member of the Utenti Pubblicità Associati (UPA), which supports the Advertising Self-
Regulation Institute. All UniCredit entities enforce the regulations promoted by these bodies, specifically when
local codes lack guidelines on topics covered by the UPA.
All advertising channels and communication activities for UniCredit are managed by our Group Identity &
Communications department, which is responsible for assuring the effective application of the code and of the
regulation of the Supervisory Board, among other duties.
In advertising related to investment products, all texts are submitted to the Commissione Nazionale per
le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) in Italy to ensure that they are evaluated for regulatory compliance and
consistency with the principles of truth and transparency.
1. This type of crime is more prevalent in Italy than in other European countries.
UniCredit · 2012 Sustainability Report 53