Supporting Companies
Enterprises are vital engines for economic growth, creating jobs
at both the local and national levels. As a bank in this evolving
economic environment, we generate value for companies
by supporting their business activities and fostering their The Greenwich Customer Satisfaction Survey
ability to innovate. We build on our relationships with them
with the awareness that our responsibility grows with every
interaction. Our engagement with companies strengthens our In 2012, our Group’s Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB)
understanding of the complex business environment they face Division carried out listening activities in Italy, Germany and
and enables us to respond swiftly to their material needs. Austria via Greenwich Associate’s European Large Corporate
Banking Study. Led by Greenwich Associates, the study
MATERIAL NEED OUR APPROACH conducted in-person interviews with a sampling of our large
corporate clients (i.e., turnover in excess of €500 million).
• Engage in regular dialogue with companies to Participants were asked about large corporate banking and
understand their industry and specific needs their answers helped us assess our current market position,
• Take a 360-degree approach to client benchmark the quality of our franchise and design future
relationships to offer rapid responses
strategies. The results indicate that UniCredit has maintained
or improved its overall relationship quality, either by
• Simplify the client experience with new
retaining the gains achieved in the previous year or improving
Simplicity and technology and easy-to-understand products
transparency and services its positioning vis-à-vis major competitors. Our Greenwich
• Communicate responsibly Quality Index (GQI) score remains above-average in Germany,
Austria and Italy when compared to competitors in 2011 and
• Ensure superior professional service 2012. Additionally, our GQI score has further improved since
• Offer tailor-made solutions using innovative, last year in Germany and Austria.
Service quality
sector-specific products and services that fit
customer needs
In Bulgaria, we conducted a survey regarding the service quality
Our approach is consistent across our Group. We are working in at our corporate branches. The results from 60 face-to-face exit
all our banks to achieve common targets while leveraging on interviews and 20 online interviews reported a high level of our
the different initiatives coherent with the specific local needs customer satisfaction (95 points out of 100).
that are being implemented in the territories where we operate.
As part of our Reach for More initiative in Poland, we hold monthly
meetings among colleagues who handle requests, feedback and
Proximity complaints from corporate clients; the goal is to assess customer
input and to take action to improve our responses and eliminate
similar issues in the future.
Dialoguing to build understanding
Listening to our customers and developing an understanding
of their needs lays the groundwork for strong, long-
term partnerships. That is why we continue to develop a
comprehensive system to collect and promptly respond
to customer feedback. This effort includes our Customer
Satisfaction Survey1, which in 2012 reported that we remained
higher than market in the corporate segment in most of the
countries where we are present.
Our service improvements stem from our initiatives related to the
intensive dialogue we conduct with our customers.
These include telephone interviews, questionnaires and focus
groups, all of which contribute to a comprehensive understanding
of customer sentiment.
Photo by: UniCredit Bulbank.
1. Refer to the Supplement for a complete picture of the 2012 customer satisfaction results.
42 2012 Sustainability Report · UniCredit