14 leggettfrance.com
negotiating position when you
get here.
When you have found 'the
one', it's time to make an offer.
The sum is down to you: you'll
need to factor in the asking
price compared to other, similar,
properties in the area. You also
need to take into account the
length of time the house has
been on the market, the state
of the market in general and, of
course, your gut feeling.
Our local agent will put the
offer forward. The wait until you
know if your offer is accepted
or a counter offer is made is
always a tense time. Once an
offer is accepted, a notaire
needs to be appointed and a
Compromis de Vente contract
will be drawn up.
The notaire is an independent official
who represents the
state. You have the choice of
either appointing your own or
using the same notaire as the
vendor. In the case of the former,
the cost will be the same:
they will simply split the work.
You will be asked to sign the
Compromis de Vente. You must
also state whether the purchase
is dependent upon you having
a mortgage - this is another
reason to have your finances
in place before viewing. Once
you've signed, you have a 10-
day cooling-off period before
the contract becomes binding.
If you're purchasing the property with any caveats
(e.g. subject
to planning permission) these
must be written into the contract
as a clause suspensive. At
this stage you'll also be asked
to transfer a deposit into the
notaire's client account. This can
vary, but is usually a maximum
of 10% of the purchase price.
After exchange, there will
be a delay of a further 2 to 4
months, depending upon the
notaire's workload and the
degree of complication of the
sale. When the day of completion finally arrives,
you'll need
to have had the remainder of
your funds transferred and
deposited with the notaire.
Once the contract is signed,
you'll be the legal owner of
your new house and you can
collect your keys. Congratulations!
ous souhaitez
acheter une
propriété mais
ne savez pas où
commencer ?
Confiez votre projet à
Leggett Immobilier, nous
vous accompagnerons de
A à Z et pourrons vous
aider à surmonter facilement tous les obstacles
grâce à notre excellente
connaissance de terrain,
notre personnel
chaleureux et à notre
département juridique
interne. Nous sommes la
seule agence en France
qui emploie son propre
notaire au service de ses
clients !
Dans un premier temps,
contactez notre service
clientèle qui vous aidera à
affiner vos critères et vous
proposera une sélection
de propriétés à visiter
parmi nos 15 700 biens en
vente dans toute la France.
Ensuite, nos agents sur
place seront là pour vous
faire visiter et répondre à
toutes vos questions.
Une fois que vous aurez
trouvé la perle rare, prenez
en compte les frais de
rénovation et de notaire
et présentez votre offre.
Nous serons à vos côtés
pendant tout le processus
d'achat pour que l'expérience
soit la plus agréable