Lisa Greene is
our area
coordinator in
Contact her at:
lisa@leggett.fr F
or our purposes we
have defined northern
and north west France
as six regions: Brittany,
Lower Normandy, Upper
Normandy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais,
Picardy and Paris/Île-de-France.
How on earth can one
describe the variety of colours,
sounds, scents and scenery to
be found? Do I start with the
waves crashing onto the rocky
islet of Mont St Michel that
stands so proudly amongst the
sandbanks of the Lower Normandy/Brittany border?
Or the
sound of excited schoolchildren
chattering away as they line up
to enter the Louvre.
Beautiful yachts at the Honfleur harbour
I'll start with Brittany
because it's been my home
for ten years now and I know it
best. This is a region that hosts
around one third of the total
French coastline, with many
rugged indentations and soaring cliff tops. Out to sea, around
800 separate islands are
accessible only to the hardiest
of adventurers.
My particular patch takes
in the north eastern part of
the Côtes-d'Armor including
the popular and historic towns
of Dinard and Dinan. The
local people are friendly and
welcoming. It's been lovely to
raise our son in a village where
everyone knows his name, and
where the village school has
managed to combine small
class numbers with the very
latest in technology.
Moving east to Lower
Normandy we have gems like
Bayeux and Cherbourg as well
as Caen, which is the capital of
the famous département of Calvados. Best known
for its apple
brandy, this is a département for
connoisseurs. It's also famous
for the 'Parisian Riviera' around
Deauville, where the very grand
casino sits next to the harbour
and racecourse.
North by north west
Blessed with breathtaking beauty, northern and north west
France boast easy access for UK buyers seeking value for
money. From the famous chalk cliffs to sweeping sandy
beaches and fishing coves, this coastline ticks every box