Dr Julie Torode is Deputy CEO and Advocacy & Programmes
Director of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).
Her primary role involves managing and advancing the UICC's
five-year global advocacy plan to reduce the global cancer
burden by integrating cancer control planning into key global
health and development agendas. Prior to joining UICC, she
spent 10 years in Germany working in the pharmaceutical
industry including phase I-IV clinical research, with a particular
focus on breast and ovarian cancers. Dr Torode holds a PhD in
Organic Chemistry from the University of Liverpool, UK.
Kristina Collins is the Global Advocacy Coordinator of the Union
for International Cancer Control (UICC). Her primary role
involves advancing the UICC's five-year global advocacy plan to
reduce the global cancer burden by integrating cancer control
planning into key global health and development agendas. She
holds a combined Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts
(German major) and a Diploma in Modern Languages (French)
from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Dr Brenda Kostelecky is the Team Lead for Planning, Policy and
Outreach at the National Cancer Institute's Center for Global
Health where she has led development of the International
Cancer Control Partnership and the Cancer Control Leadership
Forum Program. Dr Kostelecky has a PhD in molecular biology
from University College London, UK, and furthered her training
1. World Health Organisation, Global Monitoring Framework for Non-Communicable
Diseases, http://www.who.int/nmh/ncd-tools/target1/en/
2. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Press Release No 223,
http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2013/pdfs/pr223_e.pdf, accessed on 21st
January 2014.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. The Global Economic Burden of Non-communicable Diseases - prepared by the World
Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health (2011)
6. Knaul FM, Arreola-Ornelas H, Atun R, Mendez O, Guerrero R, Alsan M, Seinfeld J.
Investing in cancer care and control. Chapter 3 in: Knaul FM, Gralow JR, Atun R,
Bhadelia A. editors for the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and
Control in Developing Countries. Closing the Cancer Divide: An Equity Imperative.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Global Equity Initiative; 2012. Distributed by Harvard
University Press.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/cancer/nccp/en/
11. UICC, Advocacy Toolkit, Geneva 2012.
12 Ibid.
13. Cancer control: Planning WHO guide for effective programmes (2006).
14. Freddie Bray, Ariana Znaor, Patricia Cueva, Anne Korir, Rajaraman Swaminathan,
Andreas Ullrich, Susan A. Wang, and Donald Maxwell Parkin. Planning and developing
population-based cancer registration in low- and middle-income settings. Lyon, France:
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC Technical Publication No. 43) 2014.
15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Program of Cancer Registries:
About the Program. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/npcr/about.htm#1.
16. World Health Organisation, Assessing national capacity for the prevention and
control of non-communicable diseases: report of the 2010 global survey, Geneva, WHO
Press: 2012.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. World Health Organisation, Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of
NCDs 2013-2020, Geneva, WHO Press: 2013.
23. Ibid.
24. World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/nmh/events/2014/high-levelunga/en/.
25. International Cancer Control Partnership Portal http://www.iccp-portal.org/worldcancer-day-2015-webinar-role-nccps.
26. World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/cancer/country-profiles/en/,
International Cancer Control Partnership Portal http://www.iccp-portal.org/countrycancer-profiles.
27. American Cancer Society, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the
Union for International Cancer Control http://canceratlas.cancer.org/, International
Cancer Control Partnership Portal http://www.iccp-portal.org/cancer-atlas-2nd-edition.
28. International Cancer Control Partnership Portal, http://www.iccpportal.org/multimedia.
through the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellowship.
Rebecca Morton Doherty coordinates UICC's advocacy efforts in
the noncommunicable disease arena and across UICC's key
programme areas including access to pain relief, cancer
registration, and women's cancers. She has a BA Honours degree in
Political Sciences from the University of Warwick, UK, and a
Masters degree in gender and development from the London
School of Economics, UK. Rebecca has spent 10 years in the NGO
sector, with a focus on advocacy and policy development in the
global health, human rights and development fields.
Dr Lisa Stevens, PhD, is the Deputy Director for the Center for
Global Health at the US NCI. Her work focuses primarily on
building partnerships in support of global cancer research and
cancer control. She also works with countries on developing or
implementing cancer control plans.
Dr Cynthia Vinson is a Senior Advisor for the Implementation
Science (IS) Team in the Division of Cancer Control and Population
Sciences at the National Cancer Institute. In her current position
she works on building and sustaining the field of implementation
science in order to enhance the integration of evidence-based
guidelines, programmes, and policies for cancer control in public
health and clinical