50 Women's reproductive health in transition:
The overlapping challenge of breast and cervical cancer
Felicia M Knaul, Afsan Bhadelia, Hector Arreola-Ornelas, Isabel Dos-Santos-Silva, Danielle
Rodin, Rifat Atun, Ana Langer and Julio Frenk
Harvard Global Equity Initiative, Mexican Health Foundation, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
and the Harvard School of Public Health
60 Building capacity for cancer treatment in low-income countries with particular
reference to East Africa
Ian Magrath and Simon Sutcliffe
67 Early detection of colorectal cancer at primary care level health services
Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, Parimal J Jivarajan and You-Lin Qiao
IARC, Gujarat Cancer Research Institute and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
73 Radiotherapy in global cancer control
Mary Gospodarowicz UICC
77 Sponsored feature: New cancer care horizons in South Africa:
A radiotherapy vision for a continent
78 International cancer control congresses: Do they get us closer to the goals of
population-based cancer control?
Simon B Sutcliffe, Kavita Sarwal, Catherine G Sutcliffe Jon Kerner and Edward Trapido
INCTR Canada and Louisiana State University