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and clinical research in the epidemiology and treatment of AIDSKS. She and Dr Campbell are
currently collaborating in two
randomized clinical trials, funded by NIAID and NCI through the
AIDS Clinical Trials Group and the AIDS Malignancy Consortium.
Dr Thomas Campbell has significant experience in clinical and
translational investigation of HIV/AIDS and AIDS-KS in African
settings that are highly relevant to the aims of this project.
Dr James Hakim, FRCP is an internist and clinical epidemiologist
with broad exposure to a wide spectrum of communicable and non-communicable diseases seen in sub-Saharan Africa.
Dr Jean Kutner is an experienced clinician/geriatrician. She is an
innovative researcher in the field of palliative care.
Dr Samantha MaWhinney, ScD is Professor of statistics and
currently Programme Director of the Department of Biostatistics
and Informatics in the Colorado School of Public Health.
Dr Eric Simoes has a broad background in infectious diseases with
specific training and expertise in epidemiology, and development
and assessment of WHO guidelines.