Table 2: Medical schools in East Africa
Name (date founded) Approximate Relevant Population
class size postgraduate degrees in thousands
UGANDA 40,141
*Busitema University Medical School NP None at Present
Gulu University Faculty of Medicine (2004) 44 MMed (Surgery)
Mbarara University Medical School (2004) 61 MMed (Int Med)/MMed (Peds and Child Health)
MMed (Ophth) /MMed Obst/Gyn
*St Augustine International University, College NP NP
of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
*School of Medicine, Kampala International 62 None
University (2006)
School of Medicine, Makerere University College 113 MMed (Int Me)/MMed (Surgery)
of Health Sciences (1923) MMed (Peds)/MMed (Neurosurgery)
MMed (Obst/Gyn)/MMed (Ophth)
MMed (ENT)/MMed (Med Onc)
MMed (Surg Onc)
Mutesa I Royal University Faculty of Medicine, Scheduled to
Health Sciences and Health Services open in 2015
*Kumi University School of Medicine In the planning
*Uganda Martyrs School of Medicine (2010) NP MMed (Int Me)/ MMed (Surgery)
MMed (Peds)/MMed (Obst/Gyn)
*Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (1997; 42 None
accredited 2006)
*International Medical and Technological (1997) 26 None
University (IMTU)
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College (1998) 24 NP
School of Medicine, Muhimbili University of 201 MMed (Clinical Onc)/MMed (Haem and BT)
Health and Allied Sciences (1968) MMed (Int Med)/MMed Obst/Gyn)
MMed (Ophal)/MMed (Orthopedics)
MMed (ENT)/MMed (Peds)
MMed (Surgery)/MMed (Anatomic Path)
*Weill Bugando University College of Heath NP NP
Sciences (2003)
KENYA 9 46,749
Kenyatta University (2008) 289 Master of Medicine (all specialities)
*Medical College Aga Khan University East Africa Scheduled to
open in 2015
Moi University School of Medicine (1990) 75 MMed (peds)/ MMed (Int Med)
MMed (Orthopedics
University of Nairobi, Faculty of Health NP NP
Sciences (1983)
RWANDA 12,428
Faculty of Medicine, National University 90 NP
of Rwanda (1963)
BURUNDI 10,813
Faculty of Medicine, University of Burundi (1968) 97 NP
*indicates Private University. NP= information not provided. Data obtained from the subSaharan
African Medical Schools Study ( and in some cases
Wikipedia either exclusively (e.g., most of the private universities), or in addition to SAMSS.
Information may change. Last accessed 4/7/2014
NB. Class size is approximate - numbers may vary from year to year
Population estimates are medium variant estimates obtained from the United Nations
Population Division for 2015