evidence from Uganda that this has not resulted in diversion Addressing the myths and misconceptions
or poor clinical practice38, but rather has ensured that more To make progress in the availability of palliative care and pain
people can access the care that they need. This needs to be treatment, the myths and preconceptions need to be
replicated. addressed. Access to palliative care and pain treatment is a
human right, it is not a luxury for the few. Much must be done
Engaging communities and supporting community caregivers to tackle the attitudes of health professionals on prescribing
In sub-Saharan Africa, 90% of the people living with HIV are opioids, policy-makers on developing enabling policy
cared for by women and girls in the community39. Their role environments and the perspectives of the public in order that
has not been limited to bedside care, it has increasingly grown they demand palliative care services and access to pain
to include economic, social, physical and psychological treatment.
support. Around the world family and community carers are
a fundamental part of the palliative care team to provide Conclusion
effective and quality care, where they are trained, supported Lack of access to palliative care and pain treatment continues
and mentored in their caring role. Examples of this includes to cause distress and suffering around the world. Yet, existing
the Neighbourhood Network in Palliative Care in Kerala . policies and models of practice show that palliative care can be
provided to those who need it, inexpensively, significantly
Integrating access to palliative care and pain treatment into improving standards of care and quality of life of people with
primary health care life-limiting illness. There needs to be significant focus,
The challenges of reaching those who need pain treatment commitment and investment to improve access to palliative
where health systems are weak, remain. In order to ensure care services worldwide, including medications for the
sustainability of access to pain medications in primary health treatment of moderate to severe pain. l
care settings and hospitals, health professionals in all settings
need to be trained and equipped in prescribing them. The Claire Morris is International Advocacy and Programmes
Government of Kerala integrated palliative care into their Manager, Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance, London, UK
primary health care in 2009, and was probably the first
government to do so in the world.