Clarity of Security of
Satisfaction Level of Interpersonal purpose, resources to
Success } α collaboration
x relationships x content and
developed implementation
x enable
of goals
remunerated basis – willingness, motivation and goodwill are Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute and the BC Cancer Agency. He
essential. Satisfaction, value and success are proportional to is a past Chair of the Board of the Canadian Partnership Against
the level of collaboration established, the interpersonal Cancer (CPAC, 2009–2012), the Michael Smith Foundation for
relationships developed, the clarity of purpose, content and Health Research (MSFHR, 2006–7) and has served on the Boards
implementation of plans and the commitment of resources to of CPAC,. MSFHR, and Genome BC. He is an Adjunct Clinical
enable achievement of goals. Professor at the University of British Columbia and an Associate
Increasingly , the rewards of a “two-way” exchange between Scientist with the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at the
higher- and lesser-resourced partners are being recognized BC Cancer Agency.
through an appreciation that the lesser-resourced need to Dr Sutcliffe was awarded the Queen Elizabeth 50th Jubilee
build capacity to enhance cancer (NCD) control , whilst the Gold Medal in 2003, and the Terry Fox Award of the BC Medical
higher-resourced need to develop different approaches e.g. Association in 2009 for his lifetime services to cancer control.
alternate models of care , “task-shifting” care in primary and
community (lower acuity settings), rational introduction and Dr Leigh J Passman is an international consultant to health
use of technology, etc if they are to sustain the capacity and systems and health plan operators interested in improving the
functionality of their existing publicly-funded health care health outcomes of their populations. A US citizen, Dr Passman
systems. has resided and worked in Brazil since 2001. Since 2007, he has
The more that the enablers of success, value and served as a consultant to the Director General of Brazil’s Instituto
satisfaction are addressed at the outset of the collaboration, Nacional de Cancer (INCA) focused on initiatives and
the greater will be the probability of attaining goals, programmes to promote international collaboration in cancer
implementing meaningful and sustainable change, and prevention and control.
achieving the satisfaction of all parties. l Dr Passman received his BS in Life Sciences (Biology) and a MS in
Political Science (Health Policy) from the Massachusetts Institute of
Dr Simon B Sutcliffe chairs the Board of the Institute for Health Technology. He was an Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
Systems Transformation and Sustainability; is President of the scholar at New York University where he received his MD and a PhD
International Cancer Control Congress Association, the in Public Administration (Health Administration).
International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research– He completed a primary care track Internal Medicine residency
Canada Branch (Two Worlds Cancer Collaboration); is a Senior at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, and then spent two
Advisor to the Terry Fox Research Institute and is Chief Medical years at the Universidade do Rio de Janeiro as a research fellow of
Officer for QuBiologics Inc. and Omnitura Inc. the NIH. Fogarty International AIDS Research Program.
He is a graduate of St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK in From 1992 to 2001, he was an Assistant and then Associate
1970, Dr Sutcliffe's training encompassed internal medicine, Professor of Medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine. Since
scientific research, medical and radiation oncology in the UK, 2001 he has served as an Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor
South Africa, US and Canada. Staff appointments have been of Medicine. In Brazil, Dr Passman has taught at the School of
held at St Bartholomew's Hospital, Princess Margaret Medicine of Universidade do Grande Rio and has lectured at
Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute and the BC Cancer Agency. six graduate health management and health MBA
He has been President and CEO of the Princess Margaret programmes.
Breakaway: The Global Burden of Cancer – Challenges and Opportunities. London: The 2001; 29 (2):277-284.
Economist Intelligence Unit, 2009 3.
Greenhalgh T, Robert C, MacFarlane F, Bate P, and Kyriakidou O. Diffusion of
Himmelman, AT. On Coalition and the Transformation of Power Relations: Innovations Service Organizations: Systemic review and recommendations. Milbank
Collaborative betterment and collaborative empowerment. Am. J. Comm. Psychol. Quarterly. 2004; 82(4): 581-629