Paediatric cancers Advocacy
104 Curing paediatric cancer in the developing 142 The growing burden of cancer and the role of
world Tim Eden NGOs Nathan Grey, and Ann M McMikel
108 Paediatric oncology in Ethiopia: An INCTR-USA 146 Sponsored feature: Equitable access to
and Georgetown University hospital twinning chemotherapy, supportive care drugs and
initiative with Tikur Anbessa Specialized pharmaceutical care: A challenge for low- and
Hospital Aziza Shad, Julia Challinor and Mary Louise middle-income countries International Society of
Cohen Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
113 World Child Cancer: The first five years and 147 ASCO and the Conquer Cancer Foundation:
beyond Liz Burns and Tim Eden A global oncology community sharing
knowledge to improve patient care
116 The development of paediatric oncology in the Doug Pyle and Nancy Daly
Philippines Julius A Lecciones
Knowledge management
Regional initiatives 152 Ignorance is not strength: The need for a global
120 The challenge of cancer in Africa evidence base for cancer control in developing
Belmira Rodrigues countries Mark Lodge
122 Sponsored feature: Twelve years of KWF (Dutch 155 The Cochrane Collaboration, its mission and the
Cancer Society) funded head and neck cancer value of systematic reviews
care and research in Indonesia David Tovey, Harriet MacLehose and Mike Clarke
160 The future of cancer information and
124 Cancer prevention and control in India: A dissemination in developing countries
perspective from the Cancer Institute (WIA) Susi Burke and Gordon McVie
V Shanta, R Swaminathan and R Rama
163 Open Educational Resources for Cancer: Four
130 The mission and plans of the Sociedad years of progress 2008-12 Lawrence S Lessin
Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Oncología
Médica Eduardo Cazap
International Network for
133 Sponsored feature: The Swiss Cancer League Cancer Treatment and Research
supports projects in developing countries 168 About INCTR
Swiss Cancer League
172 Partner institutions in developing countries
135 The challenges of providing access to cancer
care: Jordan, a success story from the heart of 173 INCTR branches and offices
the developing world HRH Princess Dina Mired
174 Governing council
138 The role of the South and East Mediterranean
College of Oncology Ahmed Elzawawy, Hussein 175 Partners
Khaled, Sherif Omar, Munir Kinay, Atef Badran and Aly
Abdel Razek