India, a major producer and exporter of oral morphine, likelihood that developing nations will realize similar results in
seriously restricts access to its use by cancer patients and the near future. We believe the NGO community can play a
others in critical need. significant role in advocating for change and in implementing
Huge disparities in the capacity of health care systems, key interventions to accelerate cancer control throughout
governmental programmes, and nongovernmental world. l
organizations also contribute substantially to the unequal
cancer burden. Many emerging nations have few, if any, early Nathan Grey, MPH is National Vice President for Global
detection and prevention efforts, and provide only limited Health at the American Cancer Society (ACS) and has led ACS’s
treatment options. Since far more cancers are detected at global health programme since its inception in 2002. ACS’s
later stages in these countries, the survival rates are lower, global health programme supports capacity building, advocacy,
even when effective treatment options are available. and research with a focus on cancer control in low- and middle-
Currently, more than three-quarters of all health care income countries. Prior to his current role, Mr Grey served as
expenditures are directed to patients in the developed world . Director of the Office of the CEO. Mr Grey has a Master’s in
Disparities in capacity are also evident in the nonprofit sector. Public Health from Emory University and a Master’s in English
Most cancer societies in the developed world have significant from the University of Wisconsin. He taught English
resources at their disposal, while those in low- and middle- composition and rhetoric at the Ohio State University before
income countries often work with meagre budgets. Not joining the Society. Mr Grey has published a number of articles
surprisingly, the impact these smaller organizations can have on global cancer control and makes frequent presentations on
on saving and improving lives is limited. the topic.
The American Cancer Society and our partners are working
to slow the growth of cancer and bring it completely under Ann M McMikel is the Managing Director of Global Health
control at the soonest possible time. We have made a major Planning and Africa Cancer Control at the American Cancer
commitment to tobacco control through advocacy training, Society and has been in nonprofit management for 12 years. In
seed grants, economic and epidemiologic research, and her current role, she directs strategic business and operational
information tools such as the Tobacco Atlas. We support activities in support of the Society's global health programme,
programmes to prevent chronic exposure to cancer-causing which focuses on global cancer advocacy and awareness and
infections and to detect and treat breast cancer and cervical dedicated activities that advance tobacco control, women’s
cancers; and we support efforts to educate people about the cancer control and pain control. Key global responsibilities
dangers of obesity and sedentary lifestyles through include management of a team of policy, communications and
publications like our American Cancer Society’s Global Cancer operations staff who advance the Society's global health
Facts and Figures and the Cancer Atlas. We are working with our priorities and programmes. She also manages the Society’s
partners in the NCD Alliance to make sure cancer is featured cancer control initiatives in Africa that focus on women’s cancer,
prominently on the global health agenda, and we have cancer control policy and strategic partnerships that leverage
developed several major collaborations with the Union for regional priorities and linkages with tobacco control and pain
International Cancer Control, including the Global Access to control programmes. Prior to joining the American Cancer
Pain Relief Initiative, which seeks to eliminate suffering caused Society, Ann was a managing editor of two trade publications
by cancer pain. and worked as a media planner for a top advertising agency. She
The decline in cancer incidence and mortality rates in has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Spelman College in
developed nations is evidence that cancer can be controlled. Atlanta, GA, and a Masters degree from Northwestern
However, without aggressive intervention, there is little University's Medill School of Journalism in Evanston, IL.