commitment to training analysts in cancer survival measured gets done.” Global inequalities in cancer survival
techniques. The training programme is designed to help are wide, and potentially avoidable. Unless they are
improve the capacity of cancer registries to undertake measured, and reported regularly, nothing will be done to
survival analyses independently. The Cancer Survival Group ameliorate them.
at the London School of Hygiene has run annual courses since Global surveillance of cancer survival will shine a new light
2006. Over 300 students from 40 countries have attended on the effectiveness of national health systems in managing
these courses, and a further 350 or so have attended our the world’s growing cancer burden. Surveillance will highlight
courses and advanced workshops in seven other countries in international differences, national trends and racial/ethnic
the last few years. The capacity-building component of the inequalities in cancer survival. The information will stimulate
CONCORD programme is growing, and we are seeking cancer patients, the wider public and politicians to seek
training fellowships to support cancer registry scientists from improvement. l
low- and middle-income countries.
Professor Michel P Coleman qualified in medicine in Oxford last
Global spotlight on noncommunicable disease century and practised in internal medicine and general practice
The United National General Assembly High-Level Meeting before deserting to epidemiology. He worked in the Cancer
in New York in September 2011 set new strategic objectives Epidemiology Unit in Oxford (1984–87), at WHO’s
for worldwide control of noncommunicable diseases54. The International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon
UN resolution emphasized the need for wider research into (1987–1991), and as Medical Director of the Thames Cancer
global prevention and control of all noncommunicable Registry in London (1991–95). He has been Professor of
diseases, including cancer, because of their rapidly growing Epidemiology and Vital Statistics at the London School of
impact on public health in developing countries in particular. Hygiene & Tropical Medicine since 1995.
At a preparatory conference in Russia in April 2011, Dr His research has focused on time trends and socioeconomic
Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, said: “Without inequalities in cancer incidence, mortality and survival, and their
global goals or targets, this is not going to fly – what gets application to improve public health policy for cancer control.
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H, Tryggvadóttir L, Zanetti R, Dalmas M, Visser O, Langmark F, Bielska-Lasota M, EUROCARE Working Group. Survival for eight major cancers and all cancers
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