growing number of new cancer patients, it would be desirable in LMIC, radiotherapy and palliative care services should be
to utilize initiatives such as AGaRT to press for megavoltage planned at the national level as an integrated component of a
machines which do not require frequent calibration and national cancer control programme with careful long-term
dosimetry measurements or perhaps the on-site presence of a infrastructure and workforce planning within the scope of
medical physicist (thus optimising the time of any physicist targets defined to implement the resolution on NCDs.
available). This could also have a significant impact on the mix The relative success of recent international efforts such as
of staff required for running a radiotherapy clinic effectively IAEA’s PACT partnership, its AGaRT and VUCCnet initiatives,
and safely. and the Joint Programme with WHO are encouraging. No
There has already been a response to the AGaRT initiative doubt such collective efforts, if maintained and strengthened
with some radiotherapy manufacturers developing new with support from the industry, can play a major role in making
systems that consist of megavoltage units (4–6 MeV linacs) radiotherapy technology accessible and affordable to cancer
and include several basic capabilities and software to provide patients all over the world, regardless of their location or
for an integrated treatment system. These systems also financial means. l
include a warranty and training to educate operators on
system use. It is hoped that more initiatives like these will Massoud Samiei, PhD, MSc, MBA, DIC has extensive planning
continue to develop and be tailored to provide for the and management experience in the application of nuclear
individual needs of regions and health systems. technology for development, particularly nuclear power, fuel
cycle, research reactors, and radiation health technologies. He
Conclusions started his professional career in Mexico’s Nuclear Research
The current situation in most LMIC with an average of less Centre in 1980. During 1983–89 he worked for a number of
than 30% of all cancer patients having access to any services is international nuclear energy development projects. In 1989, he
totally unacceptable. There is a lot that the international joined the IAEA’s Department of Technical Cooperation (TC)
community can do by supporting global partnerships and joint with responsibilities for countries in Eastern Europe and the
programmes among the various active key players. To meet the Middle East. He was head of the IAEA TC’s Europe Region from
needs of the growing number of cancer patients a complete 1993 to 2005. In this capacity he was responsible for the
solution will need to be developed that can address all facets formulation of assistance programmes for some 30 states in
of radiotherapy acquisition and use, assisting the ever- Europe and the former Soviet Union, and for shaping up the
growing number of patients in LMIC to access the IAEA’s human health, environmental remediation, nuclear
radiotherapy treatment that they require. More affordable safety, nuclear power, research reactor and nuclear security
solutions to the cancer epidemic are urgently required as with related assistance to this region. In February 2005, Massoud
each passing day the number of those afflicted with the Samiei was appointed as Programme Director of IAEA’s
disease climbs and the global impact of cancer continues to Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) and Head of
grow. Radiation therapy is an essential component of cancer the PACT Programme Office, a post he held untill 31 May 2012.
treatment and must be made available to all who need it. He brought broad international experience and knowledge in
The encouraging news is the high level resolution adopted in development, resource mobilization, education and training and
September 2011 by the United Nations’ General Assembly on health-related nuclear technology assistance to PACT. Through
Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases innovative partnerships with WHO and other international
(NCDs) following the leadership and extensive efforts of organizations, educational and research institutions and the
WHO, supported by other UN agencies and a significant private sector, PACT has moved the IAEA’s cancer-related
number of NGOs. This is the first time that the global programmes to a public health model where its radiotherapy
community has recognized at the highest international forum, intervention is being integrated into national cancer control
with strong support of all countries, the burden of NCDs, plans to maximize the public health impact of treatment
including cancer, and their serious social and economic impact investments. By end 2011, PACT had mobilized over US$30
in LMIC. The implementation of this resolution, as requested million from nongovernmental donors to assist developing
by the General Assembly, will open the way for the donor countries to expand their cancer control and care capacity.
community to look at successful programmes and Massoud Samiei is currently an independent international
interventions that can offer suitable and sustainable solutions expert collaborating with the IAEA, WHO, IARC, UICC, Oxford
for developing countries. In this context, to ensure the University and INCTR, among others.
development of effective and sustainable treatment capacity