held via webex meetings. A second plenary OERC-India establish a shared governance and management process that
conference was envisioned to be held in the USA in 2014. will ensure that the collection of OER for cancer is developed,
The primary goal of the planned conference is to leverage reviewed and distributed effectively and efficiently. This will
the working relationships among US and Indian cancer be achieved by:
educators in order to: ‰ ensuring the methods and technologies for delivering the
‰ Define the cancer educational needs of Indian medical and OER content continue to be effective and appropriate for
nursing students, clinical trainees, practicing providers and the Indian organizations and communities;
researchers, examining; ‰ ensuring the professional development programmes are
– the range and types of educational content for different designed to achieve the desired learning outcomes;
types of cancer; ‰ ensuring the assessment processes provide feedback that
– the languages and level of expertise needed for the guides the continuous improvement of the OERC
educational content; educational services.
– the gap between currently available, high quality
educational content and the educational content In summary, the result of the bilateral workshop will be to
needed for the reliable delivery of quality educational produce a draft plan for implementing a high quality and
programmes; culturally appropriate programme to improve the reliability
– the social and cultural environment of the setting. and effectiveness of cancer education in the diverse
‰ Define the range of methods and technologies for communities of India, that will be effectively managed by a
effectively and sustainably delivering the cancer education committed team of professionals from the USA and India
materials to Indian organizations and communities, medical and nursing teams. l
– the use of different technology devices, such as mobile- Dr Lawrence S Lessin is the Medical Director of Washington
smart phones, tablets, computers; Hospital Center Department of Continuing Medical Education
– the use of different technology applications such as and Quality Training (DCMEQT) and former Medical Director of
different web browsers, portals, Facebook, YouTube, The Washington Cancer Institute, from 1993–2007. He is one
Twitter, digital libraries, and more. of the founding members of OERC and serves as chair of its
‰ Define the types of professional development Executive Committee. He received his Doctorate in Medicine in
programmes to support the development and validation of 1962 from the University of Chicago School of Medicine,
the cancer education skills and knowledge within Indian completed postgraduate training in hematology and oncology
organizations and communities, including: at the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Lessin was
– strategies that will ensure health care providers awarded a special fellowship from the National Institutes of
accessibility to OERC in rural communities; Health in the Institute for Cell Pathology at the University of
– the existing form of education and the Indian health care Paris, for advanced research training. His research has dealt
providers level of knowledge ; with anemias, leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes and other
– the development of initial relationships with experts and aspects of hematologic malignancies resulting in over 150
leaders who will help maintain and sustain the project. journal articles, book chapters and monographs. His professional
‰ Define the assessment rubrics to guide decisions on the path has continued for more than 40 years in distinguished roles
readiness of Indian organizations and communities of such as Professor, Division Head and Medical Director within
healthcare providers to adopt and benefit from the open prominent hospitals including Duke University Medical Center
educational services . (Durham, NC), Veterans Administration Hospital (Durham, NC),
and The George Washington University Medical Center
Secondary goals of this conference are to enhance the (GWUMC) and its Cancer Center (Washington, DC).
interactions of US and Indian cancer educators in order to