Kampala (University of Makerere), Uganda, he joined the Melissa Adde has served as the Director of the Clinical Trials
National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, Maryland (1974), Office for the International Network for Cancer Treatment and
and became Chief of the Lymphoma Biology Section of the Research (INCTR) since 2000. In this capacity, she has
Pediatric Oncology Branch. coordinated multi-institutional clinical research studies in a
During the last 35 years he has had a particular interest in variety of malignancies, including ALL, Burkitt lymphoma,
cancer control in developing countries and has been involved in breast cancer, cervical cancer and retinoblastoma. These
the conduct of cancer control projects, clinical trials and basic studies have been conducted in many countries in Latin
research in many parts of the world, including India, Pakistan, America, Africa, and Asia. Her special skills include protocol and
Nepal, China, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, Tanzania, case report form design, data management, including teaching
Kenya, Nigeria and Egypt. In 2000, he became President of the basic skills required for conducting clinical research according to
International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research the principles of Good Clinical Practice, database design and
(INCTR) in Brussels and is now retired from NCI. Under his data analysis. She also monitored and continues to monitor the
leadership, INCTR has become an NGO in official relations with study presently on-going in African BL. She has made major
the World Health Organization (WHO), a Partner in the IAEA’s contributions to several publications related to work, conducted
Program of Action against Cancer and developed a bilateral in both the USA and in low- and middle-income countries about
alliance with Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). the treatment of NHLs and ALL.
Dr Magrath has authored over 360 original articles, She achieved her Bachelors’ of Science degree from the
chapters, reviews, commentaries and editorials relating University of Viriginia and her Masters’ of Science degree from
primarily to the pathogenesis and treatment of malignant the Catholic University of America, both in nursing. Ms Adde
lymphomas, pediatric cancers, cancer in developing countries joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA in 1978 and
and EBV. He has also edited several books, including worked as a clinical nurse in the Pediatric Oncology Branch. She
Pathogenesis of Leukemias and Lymphomas; New served in both the inpatient wards and outpatient clinic and
Directions in Cancer Treatment; The Non-Hodgkin's developed a special interest in childhood acute lymphoblastic
Lymphomas; and Gene Therapy. His latest volume The leukemia (ALL) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL). She later
Lymphoid Neoplasms was published in 2010. joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of NIH where she
Dr Magrath has served on the board of a number of cancer worked as a Research Nurse Specialist for the Pediatric
journals and numerous committees. Most recently he served as Oncology Branch’s Lymphoma Biology Section. She coordinated
a member of the WHO Technical Committee on Cancer Control national studies in the treatment of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and
and the Steering Committee for the Control of Cervical Cancer. other NHLs in children, adolescents and adults. In addition, she
He has also won a number of awards, including the Khanolkar coordinated multi-institutional studies of the treatment of ALL
Award, the Cairo University Shield, the Bhoruka Award (India), in India and Egypt.
and an recognition award from the Arab American Cancer
1. 5.
Ngoma, T., Adde, M., Durosinmi, M., Githag’a, J., Aken’Ova, Y., Kaijage, J., Adeodou, O., Naresh, K.N., Ibrahim, H.A., Lazzi, S., Rince, P., Onatari, M., Ambrosio, M.R., Bilhou-
Rajab, J., Brown, B.J., Leoncini, L., Naresh, K., Raphael, M., Hurwitz, N., Scanlan, P., Nabera, C., Amen, F., Reid, A., Mawanda, M., Calbi, V., Ogwang, M., Rogena, E.,
Rohatiner, A., Venzon, D., Magrath, I. Treatment of Burkitt lymphoma in equatorial Byakika, B., Sayed, S., Moshi, E., Mwakigonja, A., Raphael, M., Magrath, I., Leoncini, L.
Africa using a simple three-drug combination followed by a salvage regimen for Diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma using an algorithmic approach – applicable in both
patients with persistent or recurrent disease. Br J Haematol 2012 Sep; 158(6), 749- resource-poor and resource-rich countries. Br J Haematol 2011 154: 770-776.
62. Doi:10.111/j.1365-2141.2012.09236x Epub 2012 Jul 30. 6.
WHO classification of tumours of the haemopoietic and lymphoid tissues (4th ed).
Magrath, I.T. African Burkitt’s lymphoma. History, biology, clinical features, and Eds Swerdlow, S.H., Campo, E., Harris, N.L., Jaffe, E.S., Pileri, S.A., Stein, H., Thiele, J.,
treatment. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1991 Summer; 13(2): 222-246. Review. Vardeman, J. W. 2008, WHO, IARC, Lyon, France.
3. 7.
Magrath, I. Towards curative therapy in Burkitt lymphoma: the role of early African Twahirwa, A. Sharing the burden of sickness: mutual health insurance in Rwanda.
studies in demonstrating the value of combination therapy and CNS prophylaxis. Adv Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2008 86(11); 823-824.
Hematol 2012 Article ID 13608. Doi: 10.1155/2012/130680.
4. 8.
Naresh, K.N., Raphael, M., Ayers, L., Hurwitz, N., Calbi, V., Rogena, E., Sayed, S., Rosenberg, T. In Rwanda, health care coverage that eludes the U.S. Opinionator, New
Sherman, O., Ibrahim, H.A., Lazzi, S., Mourmouras, V., Rince, P., Githang’a, J., Byakika, York Times 2012 Jul 3.
B., Moshi, E., Durosinmi, M., Olasadoe, B.J., Oluwasola, O.A., Akang, E.E., Aken’Ova, Y., 9.
Msolla, P. Issues of higher education in Tanzania.
Adde, M., Magrath, I., Leoncini, L. Lymphomas in sub-Saharan Africa – what can we
learn and how can we help in improving diagnosis, managing patients and fostering
translational research? Br J Haematol 2011 Jun; 154: 696-703.