vital support and collaboration. Hospital, Gulu (Uganda). In 1998 he was appointed Associate
Professor, Institute of Pathological Anatomy and Histology,
Professor Lorenzo Leoncini did his internship at the Institute of University of Sassari and from 2000 he has been a full professor
Pathological Anatomy and Histology, University of Siena and at the Department of Human Pathology and Oncology, Section
was awarded his medical degree in 1978 after which he chose of Pathological Anatomy, University of Siena. Professor
to specialize in pathology receiving his second degree from the Leoncini’s professional memberships include the European
University of Bari in 1982. He has had gained a wide experience Society of Pathology, International Academy of Pathology,
through his research and diagnositic activities at the Institute European Society for Haematopathology (where he has been a
of Pathology of the University of Bern (CH), Institute “Gustave Board member since 2002), Italian Society for Molecular
Roussy” Paris, Institute of Pathology of the Free University of Biology, International Society of Diagnostic and Quantitative
Berlin, Department of Immunology of the University of Cape Pathology and the American Association for Cancer Research.
Town, Institute of Human Pathology, University of Nairobi He is the author of over 70 articles in peer reviewed journals.
(Kenya), Bugando Medical Center, Mwanza (Tanzania), Lacor
WHO Classification of lymphoid tumors, 2008 IARC Press. W. Mwanda, C. Bellan, M. Hummel, S. Pileri, P. Tosi, H. Stein, A. Giordano and L. Leoncini:
Naresh KN, Raphael M, Ayers L, Hurwitz N, Calbi V, Rogena E, Sayed S, Sherman O, Gene expression analysis identifies novel RBL2/p130 target genes in endemic Burkitt’s
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M, Olasode BJ, Oluwasola OA, Akang EE, Akenòva Y, Adde M, Magrath I, Leoncini L. Leucci E, Cocco M, Onnis A, De Falco G, van Cleef P, Bellan C, van Rijk A, Nyagol J,
Lymphomas in sub-Saharan Africa - what can we learn and how can we help in improving Byakika B, Lazzi S, Tosi P, van Krieken H, Leoncini L. MYC-negative classical Burkitt
diagnosis, managing patients and fostering translational research? Br J Haematol. 2011 Lymphoma cases: an alternative pathogenetic mechanism involving miRNA
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Amen F, Reid A, Mawanda M, Calbi V, Ogwang M, Rogena E, Byakika B, Sayed S, Moshi E, Cristiana Bellan, Joshua Nyagol, Bessie Byakika and Lorenzo Leoncini. microRNA altered
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G, Tosi GM, Claudio PP, Maraldi NM, Tosi P, Giordano A. Genetic alterations of the Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Giulia De Falco, Manjunath Kustagi, Anna Gazzola, Annalisa
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De Falco, G., Bellan, C., Lazzi, S., Claudio, P.P., La Sala, D., Cinti, C., Tosi, P., Giordano, A. Dido Lenze, Lorenzo Leoncini, Michael Hummel, Stefano Volinia, Chang Gong Liu, Teresa
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