provides a detailed summary of BHGI methodology, which the include oncoplastic breast surgery, which simultaneously
editors identify as a model approach for developing resource- improves oncologic and cosmetic outcome with complex cancer
sensitive guidelines that could be applied to other cancers or resections. He holds joint faculty positions in the Fred
chronic diseases for which effective treatments are available.25 Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Division of Public Health
BHGI analyses suggested that to better assess breast cancer Sciences and the UW Department of Global Health and directs
burden in poorly studied populations, countries require the Breast Health Clinic at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
accurate statistics regarding cancer incidence and mortality so (SCCA). From 2005–2007, Dr Anderson served as President of
that chronic diseases taking the greatest toll can be identified the American Society of Breast Disease (ASBD).
and targeted . To better identify health care system strengths Dr Anderson created and chairs the Breast Health Global
and weaknesses, countries require reasonable indicators of Initiative (BHGI), which developed and studies implementation
true health system quality and capacity. Using qualitative and of resource-sensitive, culturally appropriate guidelines for
quantitative research methods, countries should formulate breast cancer early detection, diagnosis and treatment in low-
cancer control strategies to identify both system inefficiencies and middle-income countries (LMIC). As private sector advisor
and patient barriers. Patient navigation programmes linked to on the US delegation to the 58th World Health Assembly in
public advocacy efforts feed and strengthen functional early Geneva, Dr Anderson contributed to the first WHO Cancer
detection and treatment programmes. Cost-effectiveness Prevention and Control Resolution passed in 2005, which
research and implementation science are tools that can guide reinforces comprehensive cancer policies and strategies for
and expand successful pilot programmes. l LMICs. Honouring his commitment to women’s health
throughout the world and his dedicated efforts to improve their
Benjamin O Anderson is Professor of Surgery and Global Health quality of care, Dr Anderson was awarded the 2011 Partners in
Medicine at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle where Progress Award by the American Society of Clinical Oncology
his clinical practice is devoted to caring for patients with breast (ASCO). Most recently, Dr Anderson was elected to the Board of
health issues and cancers. Dr Anderson’s clinical interests Directors of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).
Carlson RW, Anderson BO, Bensinger W, et al. NCCN Practice Guidelines for Breast overview of the Breast Health Global Initiative 2005 guidelines. Breast J. Jan-Feb
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assessment of the issues. CA Cancer J Clin. Sep-Oct 2000;50(5):312-336. in low-resource and middle-resource countries: executive summary of the Breast
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Fisher B, Anderson S, Bryant J, et al. Twenty-year follow-up of a randomized trial
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