Early detection is key: combining imaging and IT solutions reliable, high-resolution OCT technology commercially
with expertise and education, Agfa HealthCare takes a available to the research community.
stand in the fight against cancer With skin cancer incidence rising, early detection is
increasingly important. SKINTELL allows 3D imaging of the
inding cancer can be like looking for the proverbial epidermal and dermal skin layers, for non-invasive visualization
“needle in a haystack”. But at the same time, early of skin morphology and measurement of dimensions in the skin
detection is critical: it’s clear that the sooner a cancer is layers. SKINTELL can be used to perform in vivo biopsies of
diagnosed and treated, the better the opportunity for a positive suspect tissue, and has the potential to provide guidance for
outcome. With its expertise and experience in both imaging and optimizing biopsies of skin tumours.
IT, Agfa HealthCare seeks to help health care providers bridge Dermatologist/allergologist Dr Marc Boone, a recognized
this gap between the challenges of detecting cancer early and expert in early skin cancer detection, has been using SKINTELL
the critical need to do so. In fact, as Herman Raats, Global in his Brussels, Belgium-based private practice. He is convinced
Marketing and Sales Director, Imaging Division, Agfa that medical imaging technology will increasingly play a key role
HealthCare, says, “The vast majority of cancer diagnoses come in dermatology diagnosis and treatment. “The SKINTELL
from imaging technology. By delivering the right tools, we can technology is extremely attractive: it’s non-invasive and fast.
contribute to the fight against cancer.” Agfa HealthCare has continued to improve the axial and lateral
Agfa HealthCare has long been a supporter of INCTR. “We as resolution of the images in such a way that even individual cells
a company have a responsibility in the fight against cancer. Not can be detected… SKINTELL will help us increase our
just to provide solutions and services, but to provide our understanding of the human skin.”
knowledge and help as well,” comments Frans Dhaenens, Dr Véronique del Marmol of the Free University of Brussels,
Medical Consultant, Agfa HealthCare. “We also take the future Erasmus Hospital, Lennik, Belgium uses SKINTELL: “HD OCT
of emerging countries seriously; they should – and will – have a provides very rapid, clinically relevant information including the
chance to take part in health care technology developments!” extent of lesions in basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and
squamous cell carcinoma, as well inflammatory disease where
High-Definition Optical Coherence Tomography the Ackerman algorithm can be applied. HD-OCT is rapidly
shows promise in clinical settings becoming an essential tool for an academic dermatology
“While we still see the highest incidence of skin cancers in Australia, department.”
we cannot neglect other parts of the world, notably India and Africa, Dr Tanja Maier uses SKINTELL HD OCT at the Ludwig-
which are becoming areas of concern, as well,” - Frans Dhaenens, Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. She comments:
Agfa HealthCare. “SKINTELL offers the possibility of immediate diagnosis of
There is growing evidence the Optical Coherence Technology epithelial skin cancer and has potential in the non-invasive
(OCT) is a valuable investigative tool in many important clinical monitoring of skin tumours under topical treatment. It facilitates
settings in dermatology (Alex et al., 2011). Recently, the and accelerates the diagnostic process in daily practice.”
Economist (6 October 2012) reported that OCT may prove
valuable in the field of melanoma oncology (“Skin deep, a better Breast cancer screening: A global need with local
way to diagnose skin cancers”) citing published research from challenges
the University of Vienna/Ludwig-Maximilians-University, “Not only do our CR and needle-IP solutions offer excellent image
Munich (Blatter et al, 2012). quality, but Agfa HealthCare also offers the tools to have this quality
Agfa HealthCare has developed SKINTELL *, a High- TM
standardized wherever they are used in the world. That’s an
Definition Optical Coherence Tomography (HD-OCT) to make important advantage for emerging countries.” - Herman Raats, Agfa
* Not available yet in Canada and the USA Like skin cancer rates, breast cancer rates are rising around