organize symposia, workshops, meetings and conferences that AORTIC 2013 international cancer conference
support its mission. AORTIC hosts an international conference every two years
and the next conference will take place in November 2013 in
Objective Durban, South Africa, from 21 – 24 November 2013. The
To support, integrate and facilitate evidence-based conference aims to cover a wide range of topics with breadth
interventions and innovative programmes towards the and depth. These include a diverse range of issues related to
prevention and control of cancer in Africa. cancer control in Africa such as national cancer control
programmes, establishing advocacy and training for cancer
Membership registration across the continent and strengthening of health
AORTIC members range from nurses, doctors, researchers systems for health care delivery, in line with African Union
and clinicians mostly from within Africa but also including policy. The conference will explore basic sciences, genetics,
North America and Europe. In addition to individuals joining epigenetics and cancer biology. Early detection and treatment
AORTIC, opportunities exist for organizations with a similar of site specific cancers, including biomarkers, novel therapies,
mission to join AORTIC. radiation, chemotherapy and surgical oncology will be
investigated in depth. Strong emphasis will also be placed on
Partners pathology, palliative care, epidemiology, diagnostic support
AORTIC works collaboratively with its partners, National services, HIV/AIDS- related cancers, oncology nursing, ethics
Cancer Institute (NCI), USA, Susan G Komen for the Cure, and good clinical practice, among others.
American Cancer Society (ACS), International Union for For more information please visit our website: www.aortic-
Cancer Control (UICC), LiveStrong, International Psycho- or e-mail: l
oncology Society (IPOS) and Cancer Association of South
Africa (CANSA). By forging links with other cancer Belmira Rodrigues is Managing Director of the African
organisations, AORTIC is able to share knowledge and Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC). She
expertise for the benefit of cancer patients across the joined AORTIC in 2004 and is based at their offices in Cape
continent. Town, South Africa.