institutions involved with cancer research, treatment,
including palliative care, and education in countries with
limited resources.
Individuals, institutions or organizations often choose to
serve as Associate Members who contribute financially to the
work of the organization.
What does INCTR do?
INCTR addresses all aspects of cancer control with the overall
goal of lessening the morbidity and mortality from cancer. It
emphasizes training and education of health care
professionals in low- and middle-income countries to ensure
that “best practices” are instilled in cancer prevention, early Adult oncology
detection, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care. Research ‰ Cervical cancer screening using visual inspection in Nepal
is an integral part of its work with its partners in developing and Tanzania.
countries in order to accurately document the cancer burden ‰ Training of Bolivian health care professionals in cervical
– including types of cancer and extent of disease, the cancer screening by Peruvian experts.
outcomes of prevention and early detection campaigns and ‰ HPV vaccination of young girls in Nepal.
the efficacy and toxicity of treatment delivered. It also
emphasizes public awareness of cancer. Cancer registry
INCTR has a variety of programmes that are carried out in ‰ Establishing an East African Registry Network (EARN)
close collaboration with its branches and offices as well as that subsequently became the African Cancer Registry
with its partner institutions in developing countries. INCTR’s Network (AFCRN). As part of the Global Initiative for
current programmes include: Cancer Registry Development in LMIC, the Network acts
‰ adult oncology; as a consortium to provide a “regional hub” for cancer
‰ cancer registry; registries in sub-Saharan Africa. The AFCRN is supporting
‰ clinical research; or assisting the development of 22 cancer registries in the
‰ foundational; region, including English and French speaking countries.
‰ oncology nursing; ‰ Provision of training courses in cancer registration and the
‰ palliative care; use of CanReg 5.
‰ pathology. ‰ Participation in collaborative international research
‰ paediatric oncology. studies.
INCTR’s projects and achievements Clinical research
Each INCTR Programme has goals and objectives in-line with ‰ The treatment and characterization of acute
the overall mission of the organization, divided into separate Lymphoblastic Leukemia in children, adolescents and
projects. Many projects have been conducted or are on-going young adults in India – over 450 patients have been
and include: treated by four institutions.
‰ The treatment and characterization of Burkitt Lymphoma
in Africa – over 600 patients have been treated by seven
centres in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Survival is greater than 60%.
‰ Understanding problems faced by parents of children with
Retinoblastoma before treatment – 435 parents
interviewed from institutions in 10 countries in Latin
America, Asia and Africa.
‰ Situational analysis of breast cancer – 8,800 medical
records of women treated for breast cancer in four
institutions in Peru, Egypt, Pakistan and India.