Appendix 1: Number of cases and survival (%) of childhood Hodgkins disease and Acute Lymphoblastic
Surv. at Hodgkins disease Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
years 1985-89 1990-99 2000-08 p value 1985-89 1990-99 2000-08 p value
All cases 30 138 129 92 180 398
5 85.4 89.1 95.2 <0.05 37.6 41.3 60.2 <0.05
10 68.3 86.8 93.8 36.3 39.3 57.3
15 63.5 86.8 33.6 39.3
Age group
Children 0 11 15 27 46 143
00-04 5 - 90.0 100.0 NS 21.6 44.4 69.3 <0.05
10 - 90.0 21.6 44.4 66.4
15 - 90.0 21.6 44.4
05-09 19 77 59 39 78 143
5 83.9 90.1 94.9 0.02 52.6 33.0 58.3 NS
10 71.9 87.8 94.9 49.7 33.0 55.9
15 65.4 87.8 43.5 33.0
10-14 11 50 55 26 56 112
5 87.5 87.2 94.4 NS 30.8 50.9 50.7 <0.05
10 58.3 84.7 91.4 30.8 44.8 47.3
15 58.3 84.7 30.8 44.8
Rural 18 77 74 45 96 205
5 87.8 87.2 95.8 0.01 35.3 42.7 59.0 <0.05
10 67.6 84.9 93.0 35.3 39.0 56.9
15 60.1 84.9 32.6 39.0
Urban 12 61 55 47 84 193
5 81.5 91.4 94.5 NS 39.9 39.8 61.4 <0.05
10 69.8 89.4 94.5 37.5 39.8 57.7
15 69.8 89.4 34.8 39.8
Trend of survival over period is significant.
The difference in survival by age group is statistically significant for 05–09.
The survival difference over period for rural patients was significant.
Trend of survival over period is significant.
The difference in survival by age group is statistically significant for 1985-89 and 2000-2008.
The difference between the survival of urban and rural patients was not significant.
Dr V Shanta’s career spans over 5½ decades starting in 1954 on Lymphoid Neoplasias, Member of the ICMR Task Force on
after her graduation in Gynaec and Obsterics. During the entire Registries, President of Indian Society of Oncology, President of
period she has been involved in organizing cancer care, its the Asian and Pacific Federation of Organisations for Cancer
prevention and control as well as training specialists and clinical Control, President of the 15th Asian and Pacific Cancer
research. She has been involved in the creation and Conference and many others. She is at present, Chairman of the
development of a voluntary, charitable cancer centre with an Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai
international reputation, as well as the establishment of the
first cancer control programme in India at Kanchipuram in Dr R Swamininathan is Associate Professor in the
1969. Department of Statistics and cancer Registry, India. and the
She has also served on many committees including – WHO same for this colleague.
Advisory Committee on Cancer (1986-2005), the Scientific
Council of International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), R Rama is Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and
the Scientific Advisory Panel of the International Agency for Cancer Registry.
Research on Cancer, Chairman, INDO-US Collaborative Group