Box 2: Oncology Academy Box 4: Giving life a chance
Oncology Academy – an academic programme for training of “Giving Life a Chance” – an
junior oncologists integrated programme for breast
Location: Egypt cancer patients
Key number: 2 sessions took place during April and October Location: Russia
2012. A total of 80 junior oncologists were trained. Key number: 3,007 women from
The main goal of the Oncology Academy is to participate in the 67 cities gained access to
knowledge, quality, and effectiveness of care provided to docetaxel; 700 women were screened in May 2012, out of
cancer patients by training junior oncologists. This is achieved them 120 were deferred for further examination.
through this continuous medical education (CME) initiative Of all cancers affecting women in Russia, breast cancer has the
under the leadership of eminent experts from Egypt and Middle highest mortality rate. The survival rate of women with breast
East countries. cancer is far below that observed in other developed countries.
Having experts’ experiences shared with the participants Sanofi Russia takes part in awareness campaigns and support
(oncologists & urologists) facilitates the exchange of clinical programmes for breast cancer patients in cooperation with
practice guidelines during 3 days of an intensive agenda. The leading Russian cancer institutes and clinics. Traditional
initiative gives the chance to share experiences and stresses the communication channels and social media are used to spread
need for multidisciplinary approaches between different the word, with high-impact messages such as “Each day in
specialties such as medical oncologists, surgeons and urologists. Russia, 47 children lose their mothers to breast cancer.”
Sanofi is a member of a nonprofit partnership that cooperates
with Avon’s charity walk. At the “Together against Breast
specific local patient needs. Cancer” event in May 2012. 700 women were screened and
A global oncology division of experts was formed to ensure 120 were identified as requiring further examinations. Also in
access to Sanofi cancer medicines and to build a diversified 2012, over 3,000 breast cancer patients from 67 Russian cities
gained access to quality treatment meeting international
portfolio of innovative, personalized cancer treatment
solutions. A significant commitment is put behind Sanofi
In December 2012, the “Giving Life a Chance” campaign was
research and development in oncology. In many developing recognized as the best social project in Russia by two Russian
regions, cancers are often unique and understanding the ministries and several international organizations.
disease leads research toward better treatment solutions. To
this end, several R&D initiatives are underway and Sanofi
partners with some of the top cancer experts in these regions in many capacity-building projects. For example, the company
to better understand the needs of cancer patients in that part provides tools to help train health care professionals, inform
of the world. (see Box 1: Initiatives that further R&D in communities and educate patients on prevention, diagnosis
developing countries). and treatment. Through a programme called “Oncology
Beyond R&D, appropriate capacities are needed for access Academy,” Sanofi is working to strengthen human capacities
to health care and effective use. Therefore, Sanofi is involved regarding health care professionals in Egypt (see Box 2:
Box 3: Support training of oncologists and nurses
Training oncologists and nurses in Morocco
Location: Morocco
Key number: 45 doctors and 15 nurses trained in improving
psycho-oncology skills between 2010 and 2012.
In Morocco, 30,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each
year. Even though more than 50% of the patients are saved
thanks to new and more efficient treatments, cancer remains an
important trauma for the patient. Sanofi in Morocco is
therefore willing to support improvement in patient
management and create a better relationship between the
patient and health care professional. Partnering with the NGO
“Lalla Salma for fighting against cancer” and the Geneva
University Hospital in Switzerland, 99 nurses have been trained
in oncology. On top of that, 45 doctors and 15 nurses were
trained in psycho-oncology.