Foundational ‰ Provision of training and education of haematopathologists
‰ Accreditation Programme in the conduct of clinical trials in in French-speaking African countries (Cameroon,
institutions in Brazil. Democratic Republic of Congo, Sénégal).
‰ Educating school children about cancer in Nepal.
‰ Evidence base development through preparation of Paediatric oncology
bibliographies of published literature from developing ‰ Establishment of centres of reference for the treatment of
countries relevant to breast cancer and selected cancers Retinoblastoma – Mali and Democratic Republic of Congo.
in Egypt. ‰ Mentoring of Indian paediatric oncologists in the
‰ Open Educational Resources for Cancer available online. development of a common treatment for Wilms Tumour.
‰ Thematic workshops to discuss challenges in cancer ‰ Conducting workshops and symposia on topics of
control in East Africa. relevance in developing countries.
‰ Webinars for e-learning. ‰ Promotion of the establishment of paediatric oncology
societies – in Pakistan.
Oncology nursing ‰ Development of a centre of excellence in pediatric
‰ Development of a specific curriculum for training and oncology at the Santa Marcelina Hospital/TUCCA in São
educating nurses in the principles of paediatric oncology Paulo.
nursing for Ethiopia. ‰ Conducting of a campaign for the early diagnosis of
Retinoblastoma including, but not limited to,the
Palliative access (PAX) translation of a film showing a child with early
‰ Training and educating health care professionals – doctors, Retinoblastoma into 12 languages and distributing the film
nurses and social workers in the principles of palliative around the world (Brazil); development and wide
care – in Brazil, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Sénégal, Mali, dissemination and display of posters (Mexico and Brazil);
Tanzania, India and Nepal. and establishment of a Retinoblastoma day (Turkey and
‰ Sensitization workshops for government officials and Brazil).
members of the public in Brazil, Tanzania, India and Nepal.
‰ Development of a centre of excellence in palliative care for Psychosocial support
both adults and children in Hyderabad, India. ‰ Development of an educational programme relating to the
‰ Lobbying governments to improve access to opioids for psychosocial needs of cancer patients in conjunction with
terminally ill cancer patients – Nepal and India. the Brazilian Society of Paediatric Oncology.
‰ Establishment of twinning programmes with hospices in
Canada that support palliative care efforts in Nepal. World Health Organization
‰ Fostering the establishment of palliative care societies – in ‰ Organized the 2009 update of the WHO Essential
Nepal and Pakistan. Medicines List for Cancer.
‰ Promoting paediatric palliative care in Pakistan. ‰ Participated in guideline updating and development
‰ Publishing a palliative care handbook describing the (cervical cancer and referral guidelines).
management of a wide variety of symptoms in English, ‰ Consultation with Dr Jean Marie Dangou, Head of AFRO
Portuguese, French and Turkish. (African Regional Office of WHO) on non-AIDS defining
malignancies in HIV positive individuals.
‰ Central pathology review of Burkitt Lymphoma in
institutions participating in the treatment protocol for this
disease in Africa.
‰ Training and education workshops for pathologists and
‰ Training and education workshops for technicians and
pathologists in techniques to improve diagnostic
‰ Use of iPath – an internet telepathology programme – for
consultation, training and education.