Des vallées historiques de la Loire aux paysages
spectaculaires de l'Auvergne, en passant par les
grandes étendues vertes du Limousin et les somptueux
vignobles de la Bourgogne… Les régions du Centre de
la France invitent à la découverte d'un monde rural qui
vous fera oublier le stress quotidien des grandes villes.
Leggett Immobilier propose plus de 1 500 propriétés
en vente dans ces régions. Le rapport qualité/prix y est
exceptionnel avec un prix moyen de l'immobilier d'à
peine 75 000 € dans la Nièvre et 90 000 € dans l'Indre.
Les prix peuvent pourtant varier du simple au double,
en fonction du département et de la localisation par
rapport aux grandes villes. Donc, prenez soin de vous
faire conseiller par nos agents sur place. Que vous
soyez à la recherche d'une belle demeure, d'un projet
de rénovation ou encore d'une propriété au ski (pensez
à l'Auvergne !), ils seront heureux de vous proposer une
magnifique sélection de biens.
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse info@leggett.frttp://" target="_blank" title="Visit">
ou visiter notre site web
Le Centre
"I've chosen Bonnat, a small village with just 1 300
residents, because it typifies the area I live in. It's
picturesque, peaceful and friendly - so friendly that
the commune owns a nearby chateau, which is hired
out for functions. Surrounded by stunning scenery, it
has a typically French village square and a beautiful
lavoir. There is always something going on, from the
Frog Fair to the Limousin horse show. It sits in the
heart of a triangle formed by Limoges, Montluçon and
Châteauroux, and house prices here are some of the
cheapest in the country."
Margaret Entwistle is one of our agents in the Creuse.
Volcanos in Auvergne
NB : Climate shows average sunshine hours per year supplied by Meteo
France & compared to UK rate of 1,341 pa. Property prices supplied by
Notaires de France and correct at time of going to press.
Centre 1,833 €142,000
Limousin 1,899 €103,000
Burgundy 1,848 €120,000
Auvergne 1,913 €115,000
is our area
in Central
the weather forecast comes for
free - then this is your place.
Don't get me wrong, though:
Limoges is a bustling city of
genuine beauty and Brive-laGaillard
offers fine dining as
well as top class rugby.
This region is better known as
Burgundy in the UK. There's
probably no need to tell you
that this is a region of rolling
hills bedecked with vines, home
to some of the finest wines
in the world. The vistas are
simply beautiful. When the sun
sets over the vines it swathes
the deep green countryside
in a golden glow that only the
greatest artists could recreate.
Property prices do vary within
the region. As you can imagine,
you'll pay a premium price
to be near one of the world
famous vineyards. The département
of the Nièvre has an
average price of just €75,000
(the lowest in the region) while
the Côte d'Or (host to Dijon and
Beaune) has an average of over
double this, at €160,000.
The Auvergne: a volcanic
region, home to some of the
most dramatic landscapes in
France and a haven for energetic
lovers of the outdoors. It
offers world-class cycling and
hiking - and even skiers can
get their fix in the winter. You'll
find the second lowest house
prices in the country. This is a
region that definitely hit the
radar of international buyers
during 2015. We think it's one
to watch for 2016 too.