Dressing Forceps 196
Dressing Trolleys 388
Dressings 58-70
Drill Bits Orthopaedic 206
Drills Orthopaedic 210
Drinking Fountain 111
Drinkwell Fountain 124
Dropper Bottles 84
Drug Cabinet 383
Drugs Labels 86
Drugs Register 85
Dry Liners 30
Duct Tape 66
Durapore 66
DUS60 Ultrasound Edan 241
E-Collars 51-53
EAB 65
Ear Model 363
Easifix K Retention 62
ECG 1 Channel 281
ECG 3 Channel 281
ECG Clips Atraumatic 280
ECG Holster 282
ECG Pads Stick-On 280
ECG PC 282
ECG with Pulse Oximeter 276
Eco-Bag 101
Eco500 Water Distiller 288
Economy Stethoscopes 295
Economy Giving Set 40
Edan AX3 Laptop Style
Ultrasound 239
Edan Battery Spare
Pulse Ox 277
Edan DUS 60 Ultrasound 241
Edan ECG VE100 281
Edan ECG VE300 281
Edan iM60 Multi-Parameter 279
Edan iM70 Multi-Parameter 279
Edan Lingual Spare Sensor 277
Edan M3B Capnograph
with Pulse Oximeter 278
Edan Pulse Ox
Charging Base 277
Edan Thermal Printer 279
Edan U60 Ultrasound 240
Edan VE-H100B Pulse
Oximeter 276
Edan VE1010 Vet ECG 282
EDTA Test Tubes 79
Elastic Adhesive Bandages 65
Elbow Catheter Mount 7
Electrolyte Analyser 339
Electric Cautery 357
Electrode Pack 358
Electronic Stethoscope
Littmann 3200 296
Electronic Thermometer
Aural 293
Electrosurgery 358
Electrosurgery Handle
Autoclavable 358
Electrosurgery Units Gima 360
Dish Elevated 123
Elevated Dish 123
Elevator Fahrenkrug 221
Elevator Mini Periosteal 223
Elevator Modified Tip 221
Elevator Straight 220
Elevator Winged 220
Elevators Couplands Big-O 219
Elevators Winged
Dental Big-O 219
Elizabethan Collars 51-53
Embroidery Service 188
Emerald Syringes 48
Enema Pump 31
End Extensions 38
Endo Tube Connectors 10
Endo Tube Silicone 11
Endodontic Practice Model 235
Endoscope 253-267
Endoscope All-in-One 258
Endoscope Cameras 264
Endoscope Cleaning 264
Endoscope Cleaning Brushes 260
Endoscope Endotech 253
Endoscope Laser 265
Endoscope Processor 257
Endoscope Rigid 262
Endoscope Spares 267
Endoscope Storage Case 264
Endoscope Suction 267
Endoscope Water Bottles 267
Endotech Video Endoscopes 253
Endotracheal Brushes 8
Endotracheal Racks 8
Endotracheal Tubes 11-13
Endotube Baffle System 13
Endotube Mini 12
Endotube Safe-Seal 13
Endotubes Vet-Gen 11
Enigma Autoclaves 290-292
Enmind Infusion Pump 44, 327
Enmind Syringe Driver 44, 327
Envelopes X-Ray 87
Equine Endoscopes 256
Equine Giving Sets 43
Equine Rigid Endoscope 262
Oesophagostomy Tubes 55
Esophagostomy Tubes 55
Eva Infusion Sets 42
Evolox TPLO 208
Exam / Op Light Nordis 21 342
Exam / Prep Tables 375
Exam Gloves 20-23
Exam Gloves Latex 20-23
Exam Light ACEMST1 345
Exam Light Illumini-V 345
Exam Light Nordis 341
Exam Light Opticlar
Flexi-10 342
Examination Gowns 26
ExamPro Table 375
Explorer Dental Big-O 222
Extension Leaf Vet Care 379
Extension Sets 38
Extraction Dental Kit 227
Extraction Forceps 224
Extraction Forceps Big-O 224
Eye Instruments 201
Eyepiece Adapters
Endoscopes 267
EZ Clear Collars 51
EZ Regulator Giving Set 39
EZ Soft Collars 52
Ezi-Klog 186
F-Circle 5
Fabella Cruciate Needles 202
Fabella Cruciate Swaged
Line and Needle 203
Fabric Drapes 15
Fabric Freshener Spray 110
Face Shield Dental 236
Face Shields 19
Faecal Float 79
Fahrenkrug Elevator 221
Feeding Bottles 122
Feeding Bowl Duo 123
Feeding Bowls (Party) 122
Feeding Tubes 55
Feline Dental Kit 225
Feline Spay Kit 191
Feline CPR Fluffy Mannikin 362
FeLV / FIV Tests 78
FFP2 Mask 18
Fibreglass Casting Material 66
Film Markers X-Ray 251
Finesse Vinyl Gloves 23
Finex Latex PF Gloves 21
Finger Light LED 347
FireFly Graspers 319
FireFly Video Otoscope 318
First Aid and Bandaging
Mannikin 361
Fixer 87
Flame Retardant Waste Bins 382
Flat Top Table 377
Flea Combs 119
Fleece Jacket Regatta Ladies 184
Flexifuze Tissue Adhesive 76
FlexiTherm Digital
Thermometer 294
Flight Cases 264
Floating Table X-Ray 247
Floor Cleaner 88
FloTherm Fluid Warmer 45,328
Flow Regulator Extension 38
Flow-Vu 331
Flower Fountain 111
Fluid Warmer 45-46, 329
Fluosorber 10
Flushing Syringes 43
Fob Watches 189
Foil Wrap 29
Fold Down Tables 374
Fold Flat Cages 336
Fold Up Tables 374
Foley Catheter 32
Food & Treat Tree 111
Food Scoops Antimicrobial 99
Footwear 185-186
Forceps Fragment Dental 224
Forceps Artery 196-197
Forceps Bipolar 359
Forceps Bowel 197
Forceps Dressing 196
Forceps Extraction 224
Forceps Haemostat 197
Forceps Tissue 197
ForceTriad Vessel Sealer 261
Forceps Orthopaedic 212
Foreign Body Retrieval Hood 259
Forget-Me-Not Seeds 106
Formula CB 1000 Oil 230
Fountain Drinkwell 124
Fountain Zeus 125
Fractured Femoral 362
Fragment Forceps 224
Free Standing Mounted
Dispensers 92
Fridge Data Logger 85
Fridge Sticker 84
Friedman Bone Rongeur 212
Fuji X-Ray Film 87
Funcol Collars 51
FungAssay 78
Furniture Polish 88
G9 Chlorhex. Sensitive
Hand Scrub 1% 96
G9 Chlorhexidine
Hand Scrub 4% 96
G9 Disinfectant Cleaner 95
G9 Disinfectant Wipes 95
G9 Hand gel Disinfectant 96
G9 Instrument Cleaner 95
G9 Instrument Disinfectant 95
G9 Pump Dispensers 95
Gag Wedge 236
Gas Filter Canister 10
Gas Lift Chair 395
Gas Sampling Support 7
Gastroscopes 255-256
Gauze Swabs 69
Gbox Laser 15W Mini
Surgical Laser 266
Gel Cutimed 58
Gel Dispenser 20
Gel Intrasite 58
Gel KY 58
Gel Manuka 59
Gel Ultrasound 242
Gelpi Retractors 200
General Scissors 193
General Surgery Kit 191
George Male Tunic 163
Gilet Soft Shell Russel 182
Gillies Needle Holders 199
Giving Set Extensions 39
Giving Sets 40-43
Giving Sets Cattle 43
Giving Sets Equine 43
Giving Sets Large Animal 43
Glass Bottles 84
Glass Cleaner 88
Glasses Safety 236
Glove Bitemaster 335
Glove Box Holder 25
Glove Sizing Chart 25
Glove Surgitek 24
Glove Unicare 21
Glove X-Ray 250
Gloves 21-25
Gloves Abena Latex PF 21
Gloves Antibacterial 22
Gloves Biogel 23
Gloves Colourful 23
Gloves Finex Latex PF 21
Gloves iNtouch 24
Gloves Isoprene Sterile 24
Gloves Latex PF 21
Gloves Latex Sterile 23-24
Gloves Nitrile 21-23
Gloves Pearl Nitrile 23
Gloves SafeDon 21
Gloves Sterile 23-24
Gloves Surgeon 23-24
Gloves Vinyl 23
Glucometer 79
Goggles 236
Gosset Retractors 200
Gouges 211
Gown Hangers X-Ray 249
Gown Op 26
Gown Protective 26
Gown X-Ray 249
Gowns Disposable 26
Gowns Guardian 27
Gowns KiwiKit Outdoor 174
Gowns Medline 27
Gowns Theatre 27
Graeffe Eye Retractor 201
Graeffe Fixation Forceps 201
Grams Stain 81
Graspers 259
Grass Planter 112
Green Vials 84
Greencol Collars 51
Grenades Vacuum 57
Grid X-Ray 251
Grooming Apron 118
Gauntlets 335
Guardian Drapes 16
Guardian Gowns 27
Guttural Pouch Needle 259
Haemasol Instrument Cleaner 94
Haematocrit 340
Haematocrit Reader 81
Haematology Analyser 339
Haematoma Tubes 56, 81
Haemostatic Powder 70
Haemostats 69-70
Halo Scanner 104
Halstead Forceps 197
Halstead Micro Mosquito
Curved 201
Halstead Micro Mosquito
Straight 201
Hand Sanitisers 18
Hand Sanitising Foam Safe4 98
Hand Scaler Big-O 222
Handgel Disinfectant G9 96
Handpiece HP 229
Handpiece LED High Speed 229
Handpiece Oil 230
Handy Trolley 385
Hangable Scale 356
Harness Kurgo 120
Harnesses 115
Hartman Aural Forceps 197
Hat Surgical (Fun) 181
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